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Understanding Binary Representation and Finding Binary Gaps in Python

Binary representation is a fundamental concept in computer science, especially when dealing with integers. In this article, we'll explore how to efficiently find the longest binary gap in Python, which involves understanding binary representation and iterating through it.

Binary Representation:
Before diving into finding binary gaps, let's quickly review binary representation. In the binary number system, numbers are represented using only two digits: 0 and 1. Each digit in a binary number represents a power of 2.

Finding Binary Gaps:
A binary gap is the maximum sequence of consecutive zeros (0s) surrounded by ones (1s) in the binary representation of a positive integer. For instance, the binary representation of 1041 is 10000010001, and its longest binary gap is 5.

Python Implementation:
We can implement a Python function to find the longest binary gap efficiently. Here's a simple yet effective implementation:

def solution(N):
    # Convert the integer N to its binary representation and remove the '0b' prefix
    binary_rep = bin(N)[2:]

    # Initialize variables to keep track of the maximum gap and the current gap
    max_gap = 0
    current_gap = 0

    # Iterate through each digit in the binary representation
    for digit in binary_rep:
        # If the current digit is '0', increment the current gap length
        if digit == '0':
            current_gap += 1
            # If the current digit is '1', update the maximum gap length if necessary
            max_gap = max(max_gap, current_gap)
            # Reset the current gap length to 0
            current_gap = 0

    # Return the maximum gap length found
    return max_gap

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Guiding Process:

  1. Convert Integer to Binary: We start by converting the integer N to its binary representation using the bin() function. The [2:] slice operation is used to remove the '0b' prefix that bin() adds to indicate a binary string.
  2. Initialize Variables: We initialize two variables, max_gap and current_gap, to keep track of the maximum gap length encountered so far and the current gap length being evaluated, respectively.
  3. Iterate Through Binary Representation: We loop through each digit in the binary representation of N using a for loop.
  4. Update Current Gap Length: If the current digit is '0', it indicates the continuation of a binary gap. We increment the current_gap variable.
  5. Update Maximum Gap Length: If the current digit is '1', it indicates the end of a binary gap. We compare the current gap length (current_gap) with the maximum gap length found so far (max_gap) using the max() function, updating max_gap if necessary.
  6. Reset Current Gap Length: After updating max_gap, we reset current_gap to 0 to start counting the length of the next potential binary gap.
  7. Return Maximum Gap Length: Finally, we return the maximum gap length found after iterating through the entire binary representation.

This code provides an efficient solution to find the longest binary gap in the binary representation of a positive integer N. It's concise, easy to understand, and performs the task effectively.

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