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Discussion on: useRef or useState, which is better?

salehmubashar profile image
Saleh Mubashar

you are right.
I did cover most of the differences in my post, but then again I am still learning despite a decent amount of experience in React.
In the end, 'which is better' was never addressed and I wrote in the conclusion always use the right tool for the job, as you stated as well
Cheers :)

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joaolss profile image
João Lucas Silva

Yeah, in the context of keeping a reference those are obviously the same, but still holds that you’re carring unnecessary logic with useState call, despite trashing the updater, it is still been created, and yes, i give you that if you never use the updater probably you will not have problems mutating the state, but that’s risky since mutating state both ways will surely bring problems and i have seen this a lot, so this is still a anti-pattern since’s against React’s documentation, 2. Create unecessary logic and 3. Can quickly lead to problems if you are not carefull, so this is the wrong comment to do in a beginner’s guid post

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salehmubashar profile image
Saleh Mubashar

guys relax !
I just wrote a simple beginner friendly tutorial so obviously i will not be going into that much depth. Both of you are right in your own ways but this argument will lead to nowhere.
Besides I am no React genius, so I am still learning too
Thanks :)

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joaolss profile image
João Lucas Silva

I agree with you, I just think that empathy is also remembering that not everyone has the same knowledge as you, and im all ok with people posting quirks about languages and frameworks, but we should always bring attetion to pitfalls and drawbacks whenever possible, someone that is starting on React might see such a comment and when replicating it, having much more headache than otherwise. Sorry for been agressive, just be kind to other and explain the drawbacks when possible

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salehmubashar profile image
Saleh Mubashar • Edited

Thanks for your inputs and advices, I learnt a few new things too!
However, I think there are no major mistakes on my post right?
I mean in general the differences I mentioned are true and I also researched a few other React articles and the official documentation as well.
Lastly can i delete this thread, because imagine if a newcomer or beginner (my target audience) reads this and gets confused. (Btw I agree with what you said to the person who started the thread, he should not have commented something advanced on a beginner level tutorial)

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Yes, mutating state both ways is risky, but since I throw away the updater in my example, that risk is exactly 0.0000.

Also, just because it's not documented, it is not necessarily an anti-pattern. There are a lot of nice patterns nowhere to be found in the react documentation. Yes, creating an unneeded function that will be immediately eaten by the garbage collector may not be the best idea, but the point of the example was to show the relation between both hooks in terms even a beginner should be able to understand and not to show a best practice and 3. No again; if you want to warn about problems, show the code that causes the problem inside the given scope. Don't blame me for bad code you've seen elsewhere.

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lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

You have still failed to show why they would have a headache. Also, I would trust even beginners to be able to see that a useRef method is already available, so they wouldn't have to create their own and therefore recognize that this example was meant to illustrate the difference between useState and useRef and not more.

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salehmubashar profile image
Saleh Mubashar

by headache i meant 1) it may be overwhelming to new learners. 2) I am sure I conveyed my point in the post while trying to stay as simple as possible and lastly neither is better, its just about usage

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