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Sakib Reza
Sakib Reza

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My Development Journey: From Novice to Developer


Every developer has a unique journey with challenges, learning, and successes. My path into development started with curiosity about how websites and apps work, and it grew into a passion for creating and solving problems. In this blog post, I'll share how I began my development journey, the obstacles I faced, and the lessons I learned.

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Discovering My Interest

My interest in development started in school when I worked on a website-building project. Creating something interactive from scratch fascinated me. I spent hours experimenting with HTML and CSS, learning how different elements came together to form a web page. This curiosity was the start of my programming journey.

The First Step

The first real step into development was enrolling in a basic programming course. I chose the Complete Web Development course from Programming Hero, which provided me with a solid foundation. The initial learning curve was steep, but the satisfaction of seeing my code come to life kept me motivated. I spent countless nights debugging errors and learning from online resources and tutorials.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the biggest challenges I faced was staying motivated during tough times. There were moments when I felt completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of knowledge I lacked. However, I learned to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks and celebrated small victories along the way. Joining online communities and attending local meetups helped me connect with other developers, providing support and inspiration.

Expanding My Skill Set

As I became more confident in my coding skills, I began exploring different areas of development, like web and app development. I learned JavaScript and frameworks like React and Node.js, which helped me build dynamic web applications. I also learned Python and its frameworks, as well as databases and programming languages like C and C++. This wide range of skills allowed me to handle various challenges and create complete solutions.

Embracing Real-World Projects

The transition from learning to working on real-world projects was both exciting and challenging. I took on freelance projects and internships to gain hands-on experience. Each project taught me valuable lessons about time management, client communication, and problem-solving under pressure. These experiences were crucial in shaping me into a well-rounded developer.

If you're interested in seeing the web and app projects I've created, click here to explore my work.

Continuous Learning

In the fast-paced world of technology, continuous learning is essential. I regularly set aside time to explore new languages, tools, and frameworks. Online courses, blogs, and open-source contributions have become integral parts of my learning process. Having a growth mindset has allowed me to adapt to industry changes and stay ahead in my field.

Looking Ahead

Reflecting on my development journey, I'm thankful for the challenges and opportunities I've encountered. Each step has brought me closer to my goal of becoming a versatile and skilled developer. Looking forward, I'm excited to keep learning and tackling new challenges in the ever-changing tech world.


Every developer's journey is unique, but the common thread is a passion for learning and creating. I hope my story inspires aspiring developers to embrace the challenges and joys of this incredible field. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but each step forward is a step towards growth and innovation.

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