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Sajidur Rahman Shajib
Sajidur Rahman Shajib

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OWASP Broken Access Control Vulnerabilities

When it comes to web application security, Broken Access Control stands out as one of the most critical vulnerabilities. As ranked by the OWASP Top 10 in 2021, it is the #1 security risk for web applications. In this post, we’ll break down what broken access control is, why it’s dangerous, and provide a checklist of tools and techniques to protect your applications from these vulnerabilities.

What is Broken Access Control?

Broken Access Control occurs when a web application fails to enforce proper access restrictions on its users. This means unauthorized users or attackers can gain access to resources, perform unauthorized actions, or view sensitive information they shouldn't be allowed to. These vulnerabilities often arise from improperly implemented authorization logic or misconfigured permissions.

Common Examples of Broken Access Control:

Privilege Escalation: A regular user gains admin privileges by exploiting access control flaws.

Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR): Attackers access or manipulate data by modifying parameters in requests (e.g., changing the user ID in a URL).

Bypassing Role Restrictions: Non-privileged users can perform actions reserved for higher-privileged users, like accessing admin panels or sensitive data.

Why is Broken Access Control Dangerous?

Data Exposure: Sensitive information such as personal user data or financial records can be leaked.

Unauthorized Actions: Attackers can perform destructive actions like deleting records or modifying data.

Compliance Risks: Failing to enforce access control can lead to violations of regulations like GDPR, resulting in fines or legal action.

How to Secure Your Applications: A Checklist

To protect against broken access control, you need a thorough and systematic approach. Here's a checklist that you can follow:

1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Checks

Verify Role Assignments: Ensure that users have the correct roles and permissions. Unauthorized users should never be able to access admin functionality or sensitive resources.

Test for Privilege Escalation: Attempt to modify user roles or permissions to test if unauthorized users can gain elevated access.

Cross-Role Access: Ensure users from one role (e.g., guest) cannot access resources meant for another role (e.g., admin).

2. URL-Based Access Control

Forced Browsing: Manually type restricted URLs to test whether you can access them without proper authentication or authorization (e.g., accessing /admin without logging in as an admin).

Direct URL Access: Verify that sensitive functions, like editing or deleting resources, are protected by access control checks on the server side.

3. Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)

Parameter Manipulation: Test object identifiers in URLs or API requests (e.g., /profile/123). Change these identifiers to see if you can access or modify another user’s data.

Ensure Authorization on APIs: APIs are common targets for IDOR. Check that proper authorization is in place for each endpoint to prevent unauthorized data access.

4. Session and Token Security

Session Management: Ensure that session tokens expire correctly and cannot be reused after logout. Verify that tokens are invalidated after privilege changes.

Token Manipulation: Check if tokens (e.g., JWTs) can be forged or tampered with. Ensure that they cannot be used to escalate privileges.

5. Administrative Function Testing

Verify Admin Access: Ensure only authorized users (with admin privileges) can access admin panels or perform sensitive actions like managing users or exporting data.

Sensitive Files and Directories: Make sure sensitive files like configuration or log files are not accessible to unauthorized users.

6. API Access Control Testing

Role-Based API Access: Ensure that only users with the proper roles can access specific API functions, particularly sensitive or administrative APIs.

Public vs. Private APIs: Verify that private APIs are not accidentally exposed to the public. Secure API keys and tokens with proper access controls.

7. Client-Side Security

Don’t Rely on Client-Side Controls: Access controls should always be enforced server-side. Client-side restrictions (like hiding buttons) can easily be bypassed by attackers.

Check for Sensitive Data in Responses: Make sure the client doesn’t leak sensitive information (e.g., user IDs or permissions) that attackers could use to exploit access controls.

8. Misconfiguration and Permissions

File and Directory Permissions: Set appropriate permissions on sensitive files and directories to prevent unauthorized access. Ensure server directories (e.g., backups) are not publicly accessible.

Database Access: Limit database access based on user roles and permissions. Prevent SQL injection, which can be used to bypass access controls.

9. Security Monitoring and Logging

Log Access Control Violations: Ensure unauthorized access attempts are logged for auditing purposes. Use log monitoring to detect suspicious activity in realtime.

Monitor Unusual Behavior: Implement alerts for abnormal behavior, such as repeated access attempts to restricted areas or API abuse.

Tools for Preventing Broken Access Control

1. Web Vulnerability Scanners:

  • OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite: Scan for common access control flaws, including IDOR and privilege escalation risks.

2. Static Analysis Tools:

  • SonarQube and Semgrep: Automatically analyze your source code for insecure access control implementations.

3. Dynamic Testing Tools:

  • Netsparker and AppSpider: Simulate real-world attacks on your live application to identify access control weaknesses.

4. API Testing:

  • Postman and 42Crunch: Test API endpoints for role-based access control vulnerabilities.

5. Penetration Testing Tools:

  • Metasploit: Use to exploit access control vulnerabilities and simulate attacks that take advantage of weak permissions.

Final Thoughts

Broken Access Control is a critical issue that can lead to serious security breaches in your web applications. Following this checklist and using the right tools can help you identify and fix these vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them. Make sure to continuously monitor your application’s access controls and conduct regular testing to stay ahead of potential security threats.

By adopting a proactive approach to security, you can protect your users, their data, and your business from the devastating consequences of access control failures.

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