Hey Everyone,
This tutorial provides a walkthrough of, how to create a docker image of LAMP(Linux,Apache,MySql,PHP) and Deploy it into Kubernetes cluster with Azure Static Provision Persistence disk attached.
Creating Docker Image
Installing Docker on Ubuntu
- Step 1: Update Software Repositories
sudo apt-get update
- Step 2:(Optional)Uninstall Old Versions of Docker
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io
- Step 3: Install Docker
sudo apt install docker.io
- Step 4: Start and Automate Docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
- Step 5 (Optional): Check Docker Version
docker --version
- Step 6: Docker Infomation
docker info
- Step 7: Docker Images
docker images
Deploy Docker LAMP Architecture
sudo docker pull ubuntu:latest
sudo docker ps -a #view all containers
sudo docker images -a #View all available images
sudo docker stop container_id #Stop a specific container
sudo docker rm container_id #Delete a specific container
sudo docker rmi image_id #Delete a specific image
sudo docker exec –it <container-name/id> /bin/bash# docker image exec
- Installing PHP on Ubuntu VM in Azure
sudo apt-get install php
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-get update
php -v # to check the PHP version
apt-get remove –purge php* # to uninstall PHP
- Installing MySQL in Ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install mysql-server # to get latest remove numeric
sudo apt-get update
- Copying Source Code from localhost to VM
Path to copy: /var/www/websitename.com/html
scp -r pathlocation root@ip(ip of where to be copied):/pathlocation
Example :
scp -r source_code.zip root@
- Start the apache2 in the container
service apache2 start
- Run the image as container
docker run –itd –p 70:80 –name <container-name> <image-name>
Example :
docker run –itd –p 70:80 –name zaif/lamp
exit # exit from the container
Access the localhost with the exposed port number in the browser to check whether the application is deployed properly or not localhost:70
Commit the changes and create a new docker image
docker commit
docker commit <container-name/id> <image-name>
Push the committed/created image to the docker hub
docker push <account-name/repository-name>:tag docker push username/imagename:latest
Create an AKS cluster
To create an AKS cluster, complete the following steps,
On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, select Create a resource_
__Select Containers -> Kubernetes Service
On the Basics page, configure the following options
Project details: Select an Azure Subscription, then select or create an Azure Resource group, such as myResourceGroup
Cluster details: Enter a Kubernetes cluster name, such as myAKSCluster. Select a Region, Kubernetes version, and DNS name prefix for the AKS cluster
Primary node pool: Select a VM Node size for the AKS nodes. The VM size can't be changed once an AKS cluster has been deployed. - Select the number of nodes to deploy into the cluster. For this quick start, set Node count to 1. Node count can be adjusted after the cluster has been deployed.
Select Next: Scale when complete,
On the Scale page, keep the default options. At the bottom of the screen,
click Next: Authentication.
On the Authentication page, configure the following options:
Create a new service principal by leaving the Service Principal field with (new) default service principal. Or you can choose Configure service principal to use an existing one. If you use an existing one, you will need to provide the SPN client ID and secret.
Enable the option for Kubernetes role-based access controls (RBAC). This will provide more fine-grained control over access to the Kubernetes resources deployed in your AKS cluster.
By default, Basic networking is used, and Azure Monitor for containers is enabled. Click Review + Create and then Create when validation
It takes a few minutes to create the AKS cluster. When your deployment is complete, click Go to resource, or browse to the AKS cluster resource group, such as myResourceGroup, and select the AKS resource, such as myAKSCluster. The AKS cluster dashboard is shown, as in this example:
Creating Azure Persistence Volume Disk
select the same Resource Group Name where the AKS Cluster is placed
give azure disk name such myaks-pv and select the same region as of AKS is, size can be customized click on review and create
To configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes Cluster,use the
az aks get-credentials command ,this will download the credentials and configures the Kubernetes CLI to use them.
The following example gets credentials for the cluster name myAKSCluster in the resource group named myResourceGroup:
Create a Pod
The next step is to create a Pod and link it to Persistence volume (Azure Disk).
Use Azure cloud shell
Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser
enter this command in azure bash shell
az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster az aks browse --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster
Note: az extension add --name aks-preview # optional if any error
- Upload YAML file (Create From Text Input) Here is the configuration file for the Pod:
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: myaks_pod
- name: myaks_container
image: zaif/lamp_docker
- mountPath: "/mnt/azure/"
name: volume
- name: volume
kind: Managed
diskName: myaks-pv
diskURI: /subscriptions/73xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxas5/resourceGroups/myaksGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/myaks-pv
Note:disk URI copy the Resource ID from myaks-pv(Azure Disk)->properties
image below for reference
Run the following command in Azure CLI
kubectl get pods #List all pods in ps output format
kubectl get pv or pvc #Verify that the container in the Pod is running
kubectl label pod pod_name label=app
kubectl label pod myaks_pod label=app
kubectl expose pod pod_name --type=LoadBalancer --port=80,443 #to expose the pod in order to get public sharing ip
kubectl expose pod myaks_pod --type-LoadBalancer --port=80,443
kubectl get svc
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 24h
myaks_pod LoadBalancer 80:30761/TCP,443:31098/TCP 6h9m
Now Login into the Pod using command
Go to the shell,(Azure CLI)
kubectl exec -it my_pod_name --container container_name -- /bin/bash
kubectl exec -it myaks_pod --container myaks_container -- /bin/bash
To test the attached Azure Disk is connected and can be used for data lost retrieval, delete the POD and create a same config POD and check whether the database files can been retrieved form mnt/azure/lost+found path location
kubectl delete pod pod_name
kubectl delete pod myaks_pod
kubectl get svc
Follow the above same steps from creating a POD through YAML and the next further procedures in order to check whether the data files can be retrieved through azure persistence disk attached with reference to the POD "mnt/azure/lost+found"
The persistence disk is attached to the pod (myaks_pod) to retrieve the data when pod get’s evicted works as above
Persistence Mount Path: "/mnt/azure"
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