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Sahil Verma
Sahil Verma

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New frontend for react-icons

If you're a React developer, chances are you're familiar with the popular library, react-icons, an invaluable resource for incorporating icons seamlessly into your projects. While the library itself is fantastic, the official website might not have the visual appeal that matches its functionality.

In response to this, I've taken the initiative to create a new frontend for the react-icons website, giving it a sleek and modern design that enhances the user experience. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and the Shadcn component library, the revamped interface aims to provide users with an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive platform for exploring and implementing icons.

Check out the redesigned React-Icons website: React Icons v2

GitHub Repository: React Icons v2 GitHub

Your feedback is invaluable and will contribute to the ongoing refinement of this project. Remember, this is not an official website, but a community-driven effort to enhance the accessibility and appeal of the react-icons library.

Thank you for your time, and happy coding with React-Icons v2!

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