Today, I focused on defining the database models and creating essential API endpoints for my Task Management Application backend. This step is crucial in establishing the app's core functionality.
Here’s What I Accomplished:
1️⃣ User Model:
Designed a schema to handle user-related data, including fields like name, email, and password.
Added timestamps to track user creation and updates.
2️⃣ Task Model:
Defined a schema with fields for title, description, due date, priority, Status and a reference to the associated user.
Included priority levels (Low, Medium, High) to enhance task categorization.
3️⃣ API Endpoints:
Created endpoints to handle CRUD operations for users and tasks register only .
Ensured proper validation and error handling to maintain data integrity.
Enabled relational data handling by populating user references in task queries.
Next Steps:
Implement user authentication using JWT to secure the API.
Build advanced features like task filtering, sorting, and pagination.
This progress marks an important milestone in the journey of building a fully functional backend. I’m learning a lot and excited to tackle the challenges ahead 🚀.
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