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Cover image for Pay Calculator
Scott Gordon
Scott Gordon

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Pay Calculator

#   This program takes input of hours worked and hourly rate and calculates
#   the total wages for the week.
# by: Scott Gordon

def main():
    print("***** Welcome to the Pay Calculator *****\n")
    hours_worked = float(input("Enter the amount of hours worked: "))
    hourly_rate = float(input("Enter the hourly rate: "))

    def pay_calculator(hours, pay_rate):
        """Calculates total pay based on the amount of hours worked and pay 
        rate. Time-and-a-half is calculated for any hours worked over 40."""
        if (hours > 0) and (pay_rate > 0):
            if hours <= 40:
                pay = hours * pay_rate
                return f"\nYour pay is ${pay:.2f}"
                pay = (40 * pay_rate) + ((pay_rate * 1.5) * (hours - 40))
                return f"\nYour pay with overtime is ${pay:.2f}"
            return "\nYou must enter a number greater than 0 for hours and pay."
    print(pay_calculator(hours_worked, hourly_rate))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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