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Starting with GRUNT

Grunt is a task runner. Basically what Grunt does is automate some tasks like concatenating multiple files, converting LESS to CSS etc.
In this post I will discuss the very fundamentals of Grunt.

To Start using Grunt we first need to install it.

  • install grunt cli globally so that we can use it anywhere and do not need to install it whenever we create a project
 npm install grunt-cli -g
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  • create a package.json file
npm init
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  • install grunt locally
npm install grunt --save-dev
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  • create a new file named Gruntfile.js. In this file we control the configuration of plugins that we install and where we register the tasks.

  • We can install different plugins from the list available in Link.

Eg: npm install grunt-contrib-concat --save-dev

'contrib' suggests that it is maintained by the Grunt team.


module.exports = (grunt) => {
    // configuration
        // pass in options to plugins,  references to files etc
        // "concat"  -- anything after "grunt-contrib-"
        concat: {
            js: {
                src: ['js/a.js', 'js/b.js']
                // src: ['js/*.js']; -- * all js files in folder
                , dest: 'build/scripts.js'
            css: {
                src: ['css/*.css'],
                dest: 'build/styles.css'
        uglify: {
            build: {
                files: [{
                    src: 'build/scripts.js',
                    dest: 'build/scripts_compressed' // if we write 'build/scripts.js' then it will overwrite 
        watch: {
            csswatch: {
                files: ['css/*.css']
        less: {
            build: {
                files: [{
                    src: 'css/less/xy.less',
                    dest: 'build/xyz.css'
        jshint: {
            all: ['js/*.js']

        htmlmin: {
            files: {
                src: ['html/*.html'],
                dest: 'dist/',
                expand: true,
                flatten: true,
                ext: '.html',
                extDot: 'last'


    //load plugin

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  • We can run by typing grunt run ... . Eg. grunt run jshint

The Net Ninja has some good beginner Grunt tutorials in Youtube which you can check out.

I hope following this article you can install Grunt and start with some basic task.

Thanks for reading.

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