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Sadra Isapanah Amlashi
Sadra Isapanah Amlashi

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Mastering in Javascript Closures, Grandma Style + Tips & Tricks

Closures are a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows a function to retain access to its lexical environment, even after the function has returned. They are used extensively in modern JavaScript programming and can be a bit tricky to understand and use effectively.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into closures and explore some tips, tricks, and best practices for mastering them in JavaScript.

Explain it to Grandma

Imagine you have a box with some things inside. This box represents a function in JavaScript. When you call that function, you can use the things inside the box.

But what if there’s something outside the box that the function needs to use? Usually, the function wouldn’t be able to see it.

This is where closures come in. A closure is like a little bubble that forms around the function, including anything outside the box that the function needs to use. So even though the function can’t see it directly, the closure allows it to access those things and use them as if they were inside the box.

Box in the Bubble

In short, a Closure is a way for a function to remember and access its outer scope even after it has been called and executed.


Let’s say we have a function called greet that takes a name as an argument and returns a function that will greet that person. The returned function will also remember the original name even after greet has finished running. Here's what the code might look like:

function greet(name) {
  return function() {
    console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

const greeting = greet('Grandma');

greeting(); // logs "Hello, Grandma!"
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In this example, greet is a function that takes an name argument and returns a function that logs a greeting to the console. When we call greet('Grandma'), it returns a new function that greets "Grandma". We store this returned function in a variable called greeting.

When we call greeting() later on, it logs "Hello, Grandma!" to the console. But how does it remember the name "Grandma" even though greet has already finished running?

This is where the closure comes in. The returned function has a closure that includes the name variable from the outer greet function. So even though greet has finished running and the name variable should no longer be accessible, the closure allows the returned function to remember and use it.

Using Closures Effectively

Now that we have a basic understanding of closures, let’s look at some tips and tricks for using them effectively in JavaScript.

Tip 1: Avoid Creating Unnecessary Closures

Creating a closure can have performance implications, especially if it is done unnecessarily. In some cases, you can avoid creating closures by passing variables as function arguments, rather than accessing them through a Closure.

Tip 2: Use Closures for Data Privacy

One of the most powerful uses of closures is for data privacy. By creating a closure around a function, you can ensure that the variables and parameters within the closure are only accessible to that function. This can be useful for creating modules and other encapsulated components.

Tip 3: Be Careful with Shared Variables

When using closures, it’s important to be careful with shared variables. If multiple closures reference the same variable, changes made to that variable in one closure will be visible in all other closures that reference it. This can lead to unexpected behaviour if you’re not careful.

Tip 4: Use Closures for Memoization

Another powerful use of closures is for memoization. Memoization is a technique for caching the results of expensive function calls so that they can be returned quickly on subsequent calls. By using a closure to store the cached results, you can avoid the need to recalculate the results each time the function is called.

Best Practices for Using Closures

Finally, let’s look at some best practices for using closures in JavaScript.

Best Practice 1: Keep Closures Simple

Closures can be complex and difficult to understand, especially if they are nested or used in complex ways. As a best practice, it’s a good idea to keep closures as simple as possible, with a clear and understandable purpose.

Best Practice 2: Use Descriptive Variable Names

When using closures, it’s important to use descriptive variable names. This can make it easier to understand what the closure is doing and how it’s being used.

Best Practice 3: Avoid Memory Leaks

Finally, it’s important to be careful with closures to avoid memory leaks. Because closures can retain references to variables and objects, they can also prevent those variables and objects from being garbage collected. To avoid this, make sure to clean up any unnecessary closures when they are no longer needed.


Closures are a powerful feature in JavaScript that can be used in a variety of ways. By understanding how they work and following some best practices, you can master closures and use them effectively in your JavaScript programs. Remember to keep closures simple, use descriptive variable names, and be careful with shared variables to avoid unexpected behaviour. With these tips, tricks, and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to mastering closures in JavaScript.

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