👋 Hi, I’m lilshake
👀 I’m interested in Game Development and Web Development
🌱 I’m currently working with Solana Sneks on a TCG
💞️ I’m looking forward to growing Rocket Networking
Express - Combine with firebase functions to make easy APIs that your frontend can access. Every endpoint can have a particular function and because its in firebase functions you use it all in one place, so simple
React - tbh I just Next a lot now but its all react so here it is. Easy to create a web app with it in just a few minutes. Styling and making it look good gets hard sometimes so I use a lot of UI libraries like material ui.
Node - Its what you write all your firebase functions in so yeah.
Authentication and Storage deserve to be here too, Ill come up with some good names
I guess that it is difficult to choose ideal database here.
Express or Koa2 or own handmade koa-like Iibrary with type-safe contexts,
React or own handmade JSX-compatible micro-libary
Nunjucks for server-side html templates, including emails
Not sure about email delivery service... AWS SES may be?
Database is hard to choose between Spanner and MySQL/Postgres/Mongo, so assume anything used together for different tasks?
Files/blobs storage - Google Storage? Have most experience with it.
Webpack for scripts building/bundling.
Typescript for server/client scripts.
Electron for desktop apps.
My name is Jared, and I am a fullstack developer with a passion for building and engineering applications. Originally from Southern California, I proudly served in the United States Navy for 10 years
Phoenix - Backend MVC framework Elixir - The language with all the benefits of Erlang Tailwind - Nice CSS easy just with html classes React.js - Doesn't need presentation
I love to use P.E.T.R., but the normal way its P.E.T.A.L. (Alphine.js and LiveView in last), i love live_view but i prefer React.js using the browser side rendering live updates with phoenix_channels, its more optimal
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Anyday the FERN🌿 stack
Authentication and Storage deserve to be here too, Ill come up with some good names
Nice 🔥Not a big fan of Firebase though
I just seem to always come back to Rails
I have always wanted to learn rails; where should I start?
Language - Typescript
Backend Framework - Nestjs
Database - Postgres
Frontend Framework - Probably Vue
Programming Language: Python
Framework: Django
Cloud: AWS
Database: Postgresql
Queues: Celery
Broker/Cache: Redis
Front: React
You literally can create any application/product with this, 90% free, you just need your knowledge and a host.
I personally would add a CSS or an UI component library to the list.
I guess that it is difficult to choose ideal database here.
Express or Koa2 or own handmade koa-like Iibrary with type-safe contexts,
React or own handmade JSX-compatible micro-libary
Nunjucks for server-side html templates, including emails
Not sure about email delivery service... AWS SES may be?
Database is hard to choose between Spanner and MySQL/Postgres/Mongo, so assume anything used together for different tasks?
Files/blobs storage - Google Storage? Have most experience with it.
Webpack for scripts building/bundling.
Typescript for server/client scripts.
Electron for desktop apps.
Python & Java
MERN 100%
Phoenix - Backend MVC framework
Elixir - The language with all the benefits of Erlang
Tailwind - Nice CSS easy just with html classes
React.js - Doesn't need presentation
I love to use P.E.T.R., but the normal way its P.E.T.A.L. (Alphine.js and LiveView in last), i love live_view but i prefer React.js using the browser side rendering live updates with phoenix_channels, its more optimal
Just C is enough