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GitHub Copilot With Terraform: Streamlining Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become foundational in cloud development, allowing teams to efficiently manage, configure, and provision resources. Terraform, an open-source IaC tool by HashiCorp, is a widely adopted choice for codifying cloud infrastructures. But what if you could supercharge Terraform’s capabilities with an AI-powered assistant like GitHub Copilot? In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Copilot can streamline your Terraform workflows, boost productivity, and help you write accurate and maintainable code faster.

For a visual walkthrough of the concepts covered in this article, check out my YouTube Video:
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Introduction to GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot, developed by GitHub and OpenAI, is an AI pair programmer that suggests code snippets based on the context you’re working in. It’s designed to assist developers by providing autocomplete-style suggestions, saving time and reducing cognitive load. With GitHub Copilot, you can get suggestions for entire functions, catch potential issues, and even explore new coding approaches.

Benefits of Using GitHub Copilot with Terraform

GitHub Copilot can be especially useful for Terraform users by:

  • Enhancing Productivity: Instead of constantly referencing documentation, Copilot’s suggestions can provide a shortcut for common Terraform configurations.
  • Improving Accuracy: Copilot can help prevent errors by providing best-practice code suggestions based on your previous code and widely adopted coding standards.
  • Accelerating Learning: For beginners, Copilot serves as a learning tool, suggesting code patterns and modules, which can help them understand Terraform’s syntax and capabilities faster.

Setting Up GitHub Copilot for Terraform

  1. Enable GitHub Copilot: You’ll need a GitHub Copilot subscription. Once subscribed, you can activate it in your IDE, such as VS Code.
  2. Install the Terraform Extension: To make the most of GitHub Copilot’s Terraform suggestions, install the Terraform extension in your IDE. This setup will ensure Copilot’s suggestions are more relevant to your IaC needs.
  3. Create a New Terraform Project: Open a new .tf file and begin coding. GitHub Copilot will start suggesting code snippets as you type.

Using GitHub Copilot to Build Terraform Configurations

Here’s how GitHub Copilot can assist with specific Terraform tasks:

  • Provisioning Resources: As you begin typing, for instance, “resource aws_instance,” Copilot suggests full configurations for creating EC2 instances, complete with parameters for instance type, AMI, and tags.
  • Variable Management: Declaring variables and outputs in Terraform is critical for modularity. Copilot assists by auto-suggesting variable definitions, ensuring consistent naming and helping you set default values or validations.
  • Writing Terraform Modules: Creating reusable modules is a core Terraform principle. Copilot can suggest module templates, helping you structure modules with clear input/output variables, locals, and configurations.

Copilot and Terraform Modules: Building Modular Infrastructure Efficiently

Using modules in Terraform helps you manage and reuse configuration blocks for scalable infrastructure. Here’s an example of how Copilot streamlines module creation:

Example: Suppose you’re creating a module for managing S3 buckets. Typing “module ‘s3_bucket’” might prompt Copilot to suggest code like:

module "s3_bucket" {
  source      = "./modules/s3"
  bucket_name = var.bucket_name
  versioning  = var.versioning
  tags        = local.common_tags
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Copilot auto-populates the variable fields, making it quick to create customized modules based on your existing variables and tags.

Enhancing Team Collaboration with GitHub Copilot and Terraform

Collaborating with a team on Terraform configurations can be complex. Copilot’s suggestions can help create standardized code, improving consistency across team members’ code contributions. By following the same patterns suggested by Copilot, teams can avoid pitfalls due to varying coding styles and speed up code review processes.

Best Practices When Using GitHub Copilot with Terraform

  • Verify Suggestions: Always validate Copilot’s suggestions. While it’s powerful, it’s essential to ensure code correctness, security compliance, and alignment with your infrastructure needs.
  • Use Modules for Reusability: Rely on modules to encapsulate configurations and make Copilot’s suggestions more structured.
  • Document as You Go: Utilize Terraform’s # comments and description fields in variables. Copilot will often pick up on these and suggest documentation snippets, which is helpful for code readability.


Combining GitHub Copilot with Terraform opens up a new world for IaC workflows. As an AI assistant, Copilot can streamline code creation, improve accuracy, and help you build scalable, modular, and consistent cloud infrastructures. Whether you’re a Terraform beginner or a seasoned user, Copilot’s suggestions can bring your IaC skills to the next level.

Integrating AI with IaC tools like Terraform is just the beginning of a more efficient and powerful development experience. Try out GitHub Copilot today to see how it can revolutionize your Terraform workflow!

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