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Sakshi Nitnaware
Sakshi Nitnaware

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Different Testing Techniques

1.Boundary value analysis is a software testing technique used to evaluate boundary conditions of input values. It focuses on testing values at the boundaries rather than the center of the input domain. This approach helps identify errors related to boundary conditions that may not be detected through other testing methods.

In boundary value analysis, test cases are designed to include values at the lower and upper boundaries of valid input ranges, as well as just inside and just outside these boundaries. By testing these critical points, testers can uncover potential issues such as off-by-one errors or incorrect handling of edge cases.

Consider a system that accepts values between 1 and 100. Instead of testing all values from 1 to 100, BVA selects values at the boundaries (1, 2, 99, 100) and just beyond (0, 101). This ensures that boundary conditions, where errors are often found, are thoroughly tested.

Here's a diagram illustrating BVA

   |<--Valid Range-->|
   |                 |
   0                 100 101
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In this example, values at the edges of the valid range (0, 1, 100, 101) are tested to ensure that the system behaves correctly and handles boundary conditions appropriately. By focusing on boundary values, BVA efficiently identifies potential issues, improving the quality and reliability of software systems.

2.Decision table testing is a systematic technique used to test the behavior of software systems based on different combinations of input conditions. It involves creating a table that represents all possible combinations of inputs and their corresponding outputs or actions. This approach helps ensure thorough test coverage, especially in complex systems with multiple conditions influencing behavior.

Here's an example diagram illustrating decision table testing:

Conditions Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3
Case 1 True True False
Case 2 False True True
Case 3 True False True
Case 4 True True True
Actions Action 1 Action 2
Case 1 Do A Do B
Case 2 Do C Do D
Case 3 Do E Do F
Case 4 Do G Do H

Test cases are derived from this table, covering each combination of conditions to ensure all scenarios are evaluated. Decision table testing enhances test efficiency and effectiveness by systematically addressing various input conditions and their outcomes.

3.Use case testing is a methodology used to validate the functionality of a software system based on its specified use cases. It involves designing test cases that simulate real-world scenarios or interactions with the system to ensure that it behaves as expected. Each use case represents a specific sequence of actions performed by a user or external system, along with the expected outcomes.

Test cases in use case testing are derived from these use cases, covering both typical and exceptional scenarios to validate the system's behavior comprehensively. This approach helps testers understand how users will interact with the system and ensures that it meets their requirements and expectations.

By focusing on real-world usage scenarios, use case testing enhances the relevance and effectiveness of testing efforts, leading to the discovery of potential issues early in the development lifecycle. It also facilitates communication between stakeholders by aligning testing activities with the intended functionality of the system.

For example, consider a banking application with a "Transfer Funds" feature. A use case for this feature could involve a user transferring money from one account to another.

Test cases derived from this use case might include scenarios such as:

Successful transfer: A user transfers funds between their accounts within the allowed limit.
Insufficient funds: A user tries to transfer an amount exceeding their account balance.
Invalid account: A user attempts to transfer funds to a non-existent account.
Network failure: Transfer fails due to network issues during the transaction.
Confirmation message: Ensuring that the user receives a confirmation message after a successful transfer.

4.LCSAJ (Linear Code Sequence and Jump) testing is a structural testing technique that focuses on validating the execution paths of a program by examining linear sequences of code and the associated jumps. It aims to verify that all possible linear code sequences are executed at least once during testing. This approach helps identify potential errors in the control flow of the program, such as missing or unreachable code segments.

An example of LCSAJ testing involves analyzing a program's control flow graph to identify linear code sequences and associated jumps. Test cases are designed to ensure that each identified sequence is executed, covering all possible paths through the program.

Here's a simplified diagram illustrating LCSAJ testing:

Sequence 1
Jump 1
Sequence 2
Jump 2
Sequence 3
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In this example, LCSAJ testing would verify that all sequences (Sequence 1, Sequence 2, and Sequence 3) are executed, along with the associated jumps (Jump 1 and Jump 2), to achieve comprehensive coverage of the program's control flow.

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