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Discussion on: What happened to Components being just a visual thing?

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Ryan Carniato

I guess in my view when-this-then-that isn't quite that. Like if you are binding a title to a div:

<div title={state.title} />
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You are describing the div's title is tied to this value. Is this when-this-then-that? How about:

<div title={state.title || "default title"} />
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Now if there is no title we are setting a default value. Is this control flow? I don't think so. We are describing a logical relationship, but you could argue it's when-this-then-that. To me this is describing what the data is not how the element is updated.

Move this scenario to an insert.

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<div>{props.children || <p>Nothing Here...</p>}</div>
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Is this different? You can probably see where I'm going.. Now what if that happens to be a component:

function Placeholder(props) {
  return <div>{props.children || <p>Nothing Here...</p>}</div>
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So while it is subtle passing config instead of executing actions is giving up the control. While these can be the same thing, they are decoupled in that they can be different. Sort of like how even libraries that don't do "2-way binding" still generally end up wiring 2-way binding (data down, events up). That is still uni-directional flow because the wiring is explicit and not automatic.

All code execution is imperative. So by my definition the goal with declarative syntax is to describe the "what" instead of the "how". If your code resembles actions instead of derivations it feels imperative. This is very subtle difference as you can do both by matter of assignment. So maybe this distinction in the specific might seem meaningly, but I find when you step back the overall result is tangible.