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Discussion on: Server Rendering in JavaScript: Optimizing for Size

ryansolid profile image
Ryan Carniato

Forgetting about offline mode/caching for a second. Is this similar to Hotwire? You basically load just enough JavaScript (looks to be 9kb gzipped) to be able handle making the requests to have the server send back responses and do partial insertions. But from there, there is no additional component code costs.

The only thing that has always had me question these approaches is how they account for client state. I guess with MPA mentality there isn't really much to worry about, but if the interactivity is sufficient enough do you end up with sort of maintaining two conceptual applications. In any case you are right, I do mention these sort of approaches in the last article but then just breeze right by them here. In some ways React Server Components are similar so it will be interesting to see if that influences adoption for the right sort of applications.

jon49 profile image
Jon Nyman

Oh, sorry, I didn't notice this reply. I didn't get an email for it :-).

In the app I'm working on right now, client state is kept in memory and if I refresh the back end it will destroy the state. I think traditionally they would just put it in the cookie, but you would need to be careful not to make the cookie too big.

If you have a lot of state it might make sense to go ahead and write a front end. But many business apps don't really need that. So, the right tool for the job. Unfortunately most people don't really need a full front end app and it actually harms the user experience. But sometimes you do need that full front end experience and it makes the user experience much nicer. So, I guess it just depends what you are building. But most web apps could work fine as an MPA slightly enhanced.

jon49 profile image
Jon Nyman

I found out that state for MPAs that some people use Redis to store the temporary state. So, that is one way. I also think with MPAs the way they are designed you need less state over all. But when you really need it you can use Redis.