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Cover image for Hiyaaa!! And the hacktoberfest swags are here :)
Rutuja Kawade
Rutuja Kawade

Posted on

Hiyaaa!! And the hacktoberfest swags are here :)

Thanks @digitalocean for sending them so soon. This October couldn't have been more memorable. Awaiting the badge on dev community by @dev

Top comments (4)

uvinduharshana profile image
Uvindu Harshana

mine is on the way!!!

rahil1304 profile image
Rahil Sarvaiya

Amazing!! Just wondering do they email you when it's shipped or it just suddenly arrives. I'm yet waiting on mine to arrive πŸ˜…

rutujak24 profile image
Rutuja Kawade

They do mail when it's shipped and you can also track it.

nitishawasthi profile image
Nitish Awasthi • Edited

Mine is showing 'Arrived in the country: Delhi' status from 24 Nov. No further updates.