DEV Community

Discussion on: Xpand your Xperience with Xpandable Sections

ruiraywang profile image

I agree. But for a website, there are the general pages which follow the long term maintainability and should be bit more restricted. But there are short term pages that doesn't follow the same pattern. As developers, we should make those options available. Then educate the users well enough to make the right decision :)

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seangwright profile image
Sean G. Wright • Edited

Good points 👍👍

Something I've learned over the course of many many Kentico builds - if it's possible for a user to do something, they will do it, even if they shouldn't. I like to make the options limited to lead them down a path of success 😁.

Scoping this Section to Editable Areas on specific Pages/Page Types (or User Roles) would help in limiting misuse.