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Cover image for 9 years on, I still google "javascript for loop"

9 years on, I still google "javascript for loop"

Nočnica Mellifera on March 19, 2021

cover image by Libertinus Yomango also despite writing Markdown every day for the last three years, I messed up the link above in v1 of this artic...
jenbutondevto profile image

I usually let my IDE do that for me nowadays. typing "for" brings up an autofill for all the different ways to type a for loop, it saves a trip to my browser and back. No guarantees if I could type it from memory..!

paugramming profile image
Pau Riosa

how do you that hehehe

jenbutondevto profile image

It depends on which editor you're using. for webstorm (IntelliJ), by default can type

  • fori: for (let i = 0; i < ; i++) { }
  • forin: for (const item in arr)
  • and forof: for (const item of array) { }

typing "for" for brings up this tooltip, I can select with arrows and press tab for it to autocomplete. if you remember which template you want, you can just type eg "fori" + tab without waiting for the tooltip to show up.
auto complete

It's also similar in vscode. iirc, typing for will give you a bunch of options for the different iterators.

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paugramming profile image
Pau Riosa

nice thanks man! awesome

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jenbutondevto profile image

your IDE will have a bunch of different ones. worth having a look wherever they're located in for other useful ones :)

cklek profile image
Conrad Klek

I would always delete robots.txt from whatever web boilerplate I was using. I didn’t know what it did and thought it was creepy

nocnica profile image
Nočnica Mellifera
rinsama77 profile image

I don't know if this is very relevant to the post, but I feel ashamed that I don't fit in with the stereotypical programmer geek. I'm one of the few women in my class who chose to pursue programming as a job after graduate. Most girls feel like they don't fit in, feel inferior, and chose to do other related work (e.g. product owner).

It wasn't really about gender, but it does play a role. What's most shameful is the fact that I'm not devoting all my time coding. I have other hobbies unrelated to programming (and photography, idk why but my "geek" friends tend to do these 2 things).

Most of the time I feel like I don't master this language/framework/tools enough to creatively and efficiently use it. That I'm not writing the most efficient code. I have this friend who likes to complain how people codes are bad (which I learnt from him a lot), and that put my confidence down lower than ever..

I'm trying to work on that, but it's exhausting sometimes not having people similar to you in the field or as a representative.

nocnica profile image
Nočnica Mellifera

Coding has never been my hobby, and I've been super successful just by doing it at work. Those people who are looking at code 12 hours a day will, in all likelyhood, be burnt out in 5 years.

And keep in mind anyone questioning a new coder for their commitment is, i guarantee, insecure! Experienced devs confident in their skills don't question others.

rinsama77 profile image

I see. Thank you so much! Also, seeing how you are confident to be yourself in this field has given me so much inspiration too!

devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée • Edited

So don't use explicit loops 😅

new Array(10).fill(0)
  .map((elt, idx) => idx)
  .reduce((acc, elt) => acc + elt, "")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
eljayadobe profile image

The best part of using this instead of a for loop: you'll never remember what you're supposed to search for on Google, so you'll be forced to memorize the pattern!

devdufutur profile image
Rudy Nappée

Maybe this way of doing could seem a little overkill but has advantages :

  • No mutation
  • Each step in the pipeline of transformation is visible instantly
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eljayadobe profile image

Not overkill in my book. I'm a fan of Elm and F# and Haskell. I think this kind of FP approach will supplant OO in time.

kodekrash profile image
James Linden

I think everyone does this. My kryptonite is 'this' in javascript. Sometimes, I go for weeks writing PHP only in (pick a) framework, and if I switch to 'vanilla' PHP, I have to google the simple things.

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

I write SQL, VBA, js, python and c#. Remembering the syntax difference is not worth the mental overhead when the internet will give you a copy paste answer in 30 seconds. What does wind me up though is the lack of wildcard consistency in the Microsoft stack.

  • In Access % in SQL ~ in Excel

Anyone got any other wildcards?

otumianempire profile image
Michael Otu

I keep learning and relearning javascript over and over and over. I remember one time, it was a simple integration of a theme we bought for our dashboard. I was assigned the task of modifying one css class and ... it became the next three days css-ing. Respect to frontend developers.

devlorenzo profile image

Hey, where is the content?

nocnica profile image
Nočnica Mellifera

This is a discussion post! I'm asking you and other readers to comment back :)

devlorenzo profile image

Ok, sorry for the comments. I was hoping for an article about this, I would be interesting!

rahoulb profile image
Rahoul Baruah

It’s not shameful.

15 years writing Ruby code almost every day yet I still Google the Ruby CSV class at least once a week. It’s not even a complex class!

jennapederson profile image
Jenna Pederson

SAME. I have to google it for JS and Ruby because there are different forms and they are similar, but just different enough that I get them all mixed up between the two languages. 🤦‍♀️

nocnica profile image
Nočnica Mellifera

yeah I think this is what gets me: I write a little bit of Ruby, Python, and JS. It's that language confusion that gets me. When I write C# for games I'm much more confident since the syntax is so different!

e99h2121 profile image

Same. When I write new class in my work, I try to find good template of my teammate.

egilhuber profile image
erica (she/her)

I keep the syntax for C# and VB for each loops on a post-it on my monitor!

systemx profile image
Mohammed Fellak

Proud of you lol