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3 Reasons Why You Should Not Consider DevSecOps “a low-hanging fruit”!

By 2027, the worldwide DevSecOps market value will increase nine times and comprise more than $17 billion, compared to just over $2 billion in 2019.

DevSecOps is the process of embedding security practices in different stages of the DevOps lifecycle right from the start. DevSecOps practices involve thinking about application and infrastructure security by choosing the right tools and techniques. It also means automating security checks to prevent the DevOps lifecycle from slowing down and continuously integrating security features in the DevOps workflow.

According to a report, the Global DevSecOps Market was valued at USD 2.18 Billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 17.16 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 30.76% from 2020 to 2027.

Reluctance to Adopt New Changes!

People's reluctance to recent changes in the development process can be a major roadblock to building the DevSecOps culture. At first, SRE & product teams may find it difficult to accept and integrate the latest DevSecOps practices in the software delivery lifecycle. Moreover, rejecting the traditional approach of addressing security issues may not sound like a great idea to the DevOps teams juggling with other priorities. Along with the resistance to integrating new practices, building a close collaboration between developers and security professionals is complicated too which may slow down the speed of adopting a new methodology.

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Clash of the Tools!

With so many tools available in the market today for implementing DevSecOps, choosing the right ones can be an uphill battle. The first challenge lies in choosing the one that fits well into the business requirements and the second challenge is to properly integrate these tools in the DevOps system so that software teams can build, deploy and test the tools in a continuous manner. Moreover, establishing collaboration between the DevOps and security teams is not an easy task. Bringing together DevSecOps tools from various departments and then syncing them on one platform can create a clash within the team.

Implementing Security in CI/CD!

Embedding security practices and executing security checks is something that usually comes at the end of development. But doing this can slow down the overall DevOps process if there are any issues and bugs present in the product. With DevSecOps, security becomes a part of the continuous integration and continuous development process. But, integrating security practices that can adapt well to the DevOps process can be quite challenging. For a successful DevSecOps, it’s important that the new DevOps processes and tools get adapted to old methods of security practices.

How DevSecOps experts at OpsTree can help?

Businesses can easily overcome challenges that can hinder establishing a DevSecOps culture by adopting the right practices. With an extensive focus on delivering Cloud & DevSecOps-driven outcomes, OpsTree Solutions & OpsTree Labs can help enterprises in executing DevSecOps best practices. Being a highly specialized DevSecOps engineering company and Technology Transformation Partner, OpsTree Solutions is an expert in making the application delivery lean, more secure, agile, and highly productive through the best-in-breed Cloud & DevSecOps platform and solutions.

Contact our technical experts NOW to know about OpsTree Solutions and its other incredible services!

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