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Cover image for FATAL Cannot destructure property 'nuxt' of 'this' as it is undefined.
Ruan Aragão
Ruan Aragão

Posted on

FATAL Cannot destructure property 'nuxt' of 'this' as it is undefined.

$ nuxt
ℹ Using default Tailwind CSS file from runtime/tailwind.css                                                           nuxt:tailwindcss 06:42:07

 FATAL  Cannot destructure property 'nuxt' of 'this' as it is undefined.                                                               06:42:07

  at postcss8Module (node_modules/@nuxt/postcss8/dist/index.js:15:10)
  at installModule (node_modules/@nuxt/kit/dist/index.mjs:435:21)
  at async setup (node_modules/@nuxtjs/tailwindcss/dist/module.mjs:186:7)
  at async ModuleContainer.normalizedModule (node_modules/@nuxt/kit/dist/index.mjs:167:5)
  at async ModuleContainer.addModule (node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js:167:20)
  at async ModuleContainer.ready (node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js:34:7)
  at async Nuxt._init (node_modules/@nuxt/core/dist/core.js:342:5)

   │                                                                                 │
   │   ✖ Nuxt Fatal Error                                                            │
   │                                                                                 │
   │   TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'nuxt' of 'this' as it is undefined.   │
   │                                                                                 │

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Add in your package.json:

  "resolutions": {
    "@nuxt/kit": "3.0.0-rc.13"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

and run:
$ yarn


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