Switching apps is something I do hundreds of times a day on both MacOS and Windows. I found a way to make this faster, which has made my workflow a lot more efficient.
Is switching apps really difficult?
Well, just a bit. Not much, but small frustrations easily add up over time. Switching with a keyboard always required too much effort for me. I often try one of these, but each one requires some thinking (or typing):
to launch the 4th taskbar app (Windows) -
using uBar to emulate Windows behaviour (MacOS) -
to switch to a window (Windows and MacOS) -
cmd-space firefox
to use Spotlight (MacOS)
My solution: fixed key bindings
I settled a way that’s easier for me: shortcuts that always do one—and only one—thing. For example, ctrl-win-w
will always focus my web browser, where alt-tab
requires some thinking to figure out how many Tabs to press.
The result: I save a second of thinking for every app switch I do. For something I do hundreds of times a day, it all adds up! 🎉
MacOS via Raycast
There are many ways this can be achieved in MacOS. The simplest one I think is with Raycast.
MacOS via Hammerspoon
For my MacBook, I used Hammerspoon, a hotkey automation suite for MacOS. Writing a Lua script to launch apps with hotkeys isn’t too difficult:
-- ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "cmd"}, "v", "Visual Studio Code", function()
hs.application.launchOrFocus("Visual Studio Code")
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "cmd"}, "w", "Firefox", function()
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "cmd"}, "s", "Slack", function()
Windows via AutoHotkey
For my Windows laptop, I used a powerful automation scripting language called AutoHotkey. Here’s an example that launches apps based on start menu items (w
and o
), URL (c
) and file path (v
UserStartMenu := A_AppData . "\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\"
SysStartMenu := "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
; [w] Firefox (web)
^#w::LaunchOrFocus({ run: SysStartMenu . "Firefox", select: "ahk_exe firefox.exe" })
; [o] Obsidian
^#o::LaunchOrFocus({ run: UserStartMenu . "Programs\Obsidian", select: "ahk_exe Obsidian.exe" })
; [c] Calendar
^#c::LaunchOrFocus({ run: "outlookcal:" })
; [t] Terminal
^#v::LaunchOrFocus({ run: "wt.exe", select: "ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe" })
LaunchOrFocus(app) {
selector := app["select"]
If (selector and WinExist(selector))
Run % app["run"]
and Run
. Save it as example.ahk and double-click on it to open in AutoHotkey.My shortcuts
I set up shortcuts for the apps I use 90% of the time. For anything not here, I would use Spotlight or Windows Search.
keys are reserved for moving windows to the side of my screen, but that’s for another article!)Thanks for reading!
Thanks for checking out my post! I'm a web developer who loves open source and supercharging productivity. If you liked this post, consider following me on Dev.to (@rstacruz) or Twitter (@rstacruz)!
- Autohotkey - automation for Windows
- Raycast - app launcher for MacOS
- Hammerspoon - automation for MacOS
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