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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 10: Monitoring Station

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Ryan Palo

Things have settled down a little bit since Christmas, so I've got some time to actually complete AOC2019. Better 4 months late than never! Here's my solution to Day 10. Had some trouble deciding how to handle vertical slopes gracefully, and switching back and forth from global to relative coordinates, but finally got it handled.

"""Figure out the best asteroid to look at other asteroids.  And then BLAST THEM!"""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import gcd
from typing import List, Set

class Point:
    """An X, Y coordinate on a grid"""
    x: int
    y: int

def parse(text: str) -> Set[Point]:
    """Expects a 2D grid of characters.  '#' denote asteroids.

    Note: Here, Y+ is down.
    asteroids = set()
    rows = text.splitlines()
    for y, row in enumerate(rows):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell == "#":
                asteroids.add(Point(x, y))

    return asteroids

def find_best(asteroids: Set[Point]) -> (Point, int):
    """Finds the asteroid that can see the most other asteroids.

    Returns that asteroid and how many others it can see.
    scores = [(a, count_visible(a, asteroids)) for a in asteroids]
    return max(scores, key=lambda x: x[1])

def count_visible(base: Point, asteroids: Set[Point]) -> int:
    """Counts how many asteroids are in line of sight."""
    return sum(1 for asteroid in asteroids if can_see(base, asteroid, asteroids))

def can_see(a: Point, b: Point, asteroids: Set[Point]) -> bool:
    """Determines whether or not an asteroid can see another in an asteroid field."""

    # Asteroids can't see themselves.
    if a == b:
        return False

    dx = b.x - a.x
    dy = b.y - a.y

    divisor = gcd(dy, dx)

    if divisor != 0:
        # Line isn't vertical or horizontal.  Get basic slope.
        dx //= divisor
        dy //= divisor
        # Line is vertical or horizontal.  Divisor becomes simply
        # the magnitude of the non-zero component.
        divisor = max(dx, dy)

    # Step over every cell on the line between a and b and see if
    # it's an asteroid.  If any of them are, then b can't be seen from a.
    for step in range(1, divisor):
        if Point(a.x + step*dx, a.y + step*dy) in asteroids:
            return False

    return True

class LaserPriority:
    """A helper class for prioritizing which asteroids get blasted first.

    Quadrant assumes X+ is right and Y+ is up, with base at the origin.
    Slope uses Y/X, but gets multiplied by -1 so that Laser Priorities
    get sorted based on quadrant and then slope in descending order.
    quadrant: int
    slope: float

def laser_priority_sort_key(asteroid: Point) -> LaserPriority:
    """Prioritize asteroids based on how they clock around the origin.

    Starting at Y+ (up) and going CW.
    This function assumes all asteroids being compared are visible.
    result = LaserPriority(0, 0)

    # Simulate vertical slope as ">> size of grid"
    # because ~~~InFiNiTy Is HaRd FoR cOmPuTeRs~~~
    if asteroid.x == 0:
        result.slope = 1000
        result.slope = asteroid.y / asteroid.x

    result.slope *= -1  # Flip so sort goes largest to smallest

    if asteroid.x >= 0 and asteroid.y > 0:
        result.quadrant = 1
    elif asteroid.x > 0 and asteroid.y <= 0:
        result.quadrant = 2
    elif asteroid.x <= 0 and asteroid.y < 0:
        result.quadrant = 3
        result.quadrant = 4

    return result

def create_laser_plan(base: Point, asteroids: Set[Point]) -> List[Point]:
    """Specify the order in which asteroids get BLASTED, assuming we start
    at 12 o'clock and go CW, blasting only one asteroid at a time for a
    particular clocking before moving on.
    asteroids = asteroids - {base}

    # Convert everything so that Y+ is up and base is at 0, 0
    relative_asteroids = {Point(a.x - base.x, -(a.y - base.y))
                          for a in asteroids}

    plan = []
    # Blast asteroids in rounds, removing the ones that get blasted
    # after every cycle
    while relative_asteroids:
        visible = {a for a in relative_asteroids if can_see(
            Point(0, 0), a, relative_asteroids)}
        plan += sorted(visible, key=laser_priority_sort_key)
        relative_asteroids -= visible

    # Unconvert back to global coordinates with Y+ down
    plan = [Point(base.x + a.x, base.y - a.y) for a in plan]
    return plan

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("data/day10.txt") as f:
        grid =

    asteroids = parse(grid)
    best, score = find_best(asteroids)
    print(f"Best is {best} with {score} visible.")

    plan = create_laser_plan(best, asteroids)
    answer = plan[199]  # O-based counting!!!

    print(f"Lucky number 200 is {answer}.")
    print(f"Magic number is {answer.x * 100 + answer.y}.")