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Discussion on: AoC Day 4: Repose Record

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Ryan Palo

Done! Completed my solution with just minutes to spare before the next day goes live! I thought I would like this challenge. I did not. It was fine, for the most part. But I spent at least fifteen minutes wondering why my solution wasn't working before I realized the #!@%#@!$! LOGS WERE NOT IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.

Let me tell you: I was not calm in that moment.

After I used VS Code's built-in sorting functionality to pre-sort the input text, it was mostly smooth sailing. However, rust gurus, before I sorted my input, every time I ran cargo run, the output would be a different answer, even with no changes to the code. Anybody know why that might be? I would expect a static input file and static code to make the same result every time.


Part 1

use std::collections::HashMap;

/// Day 4: Repose Record
/// Track the sleeping times of various security guards

// Part 1: Find the guard who slept most and their most-slept minute

/// The security team (made up of a bunch of Guards) that we're monitoring
struct SecurityTeam {
    guards: HashMap<usize, Guard>,

impl SecurityTeam {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { guards: HashMap::new() }

    /// Loads in a log-file-like schedule from text
    /// Entries have the form '[YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM] message'
    /// Possible messages are 'Guard #<id> begins shift'
    ///                       'falls asleep'
    ///                       'wakes up'
    /// Assumes that the logs are in chronological order (WHICH IS SANE)
    pub fn load_schedule(&mut self, text: &str) {
        let mut current_guard = 0;
        let mut current_state = "";
        let mut sleep_start = 0;

        for line in text.lines() {
            // Yeah I'm hard-coding the minutes location, DON'T JUDGE ME
            let minute: usize = line[15..17].parse().expect("Minutes weren't a number");
            let action = &line[19..];
            if action.contains("Guard") {
                // New guard starting shift.
                let id = action.trim_matches(|c: char| !c.is_numeric()).parse().expect("No guard ID");
                current_guard = id;
                current_state = "awake";
            } else if action.contains("falls asleep") {
                // Ignores double-falls asleep
                if current_state == "awake" {
                    current_state = "asleep";
                    sleep_start = minute;
            } else if action.contains("wakes up") {
                // Ignores double-wakes
                if current_state == "asleep" {
                    self.guards.get_mut(&current_guard).unwrap().track_sleep(sleep_start, minute);
                    current_state = "awake";

    /// Returns the guard with the overall most minutes asleep
    pub fn sleepiest_guard(&self) -> &Guard {
            .max_by_key(|guard| guard.total_minutes_asleep())
            .expect("No guards on team")

/// A security guard.  He keeps track of his own sleep times (what a great person)!
struct Guard {
    id: usize,
    sleep_minutes: HashMap<usize, usize>,

impl Guard {
    pub fn new(id: usize) -> Self {
        Self { id, sleep_minutes: HashMap::new() }

    pub fn id(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the minute in which this guard most commonly slept
    /// Accounts for the possibility that this guard doesn't suck at their
    /// job and stays awake the whole time.
    pub fn sleepiest_minute(&self) -> usize {
            .max_by_key(|(_id, minutes)| **minutes)
            .unwrap_or((&0, &0))

    /// Sums up this guards total sleeping time
    pub fn total_minutes_asleep(&self) -> usize {

    /// Logs in a length of time where the guard was asleep
    pub fn track_sleep(&mut self, asleep: usize, awake: usize) {
        for minute in asleep..awake {
            *self.sleep_minutes.entry(minute).or_insert(0) += 1

/// Part 1 asks for the ID of the guard who slept the most multiplied by
/// the minute they slept most
pub fn part1(text: &str) -> usize {
    let mut guards = SecurityTeam::new();
    let sleepy = guards.sleepiest_guard(); * sleepy.sleepiest_minute()

Part 2

Part 2 went pretty quick now that I've got all this infrastructure in place.

// Part 2

impl SecurityTeam {
    /// Returns the guard that fell asleep the most on the same minute
    pub fn most_consistent_sleeper(&self) -> &Guard {
            .max_by_key(|guard| guard.sleep_on(guard.sleepiest_minute()))
            .expect("No guards on team")

impl Guard {
    /// Returns the amount of times this guard slept on a given minute
    pub fn sleep_on(&self, minute: usize) -> usize {

/// Part two asks for the ID of the guard who slept the most on a single
/// minute multiplied by that minute
pub fn part2(text: &str) -> usize {
    let mut guards = SecurityTeam::new();
    let consistent_guard = guards.most_consistent_sleeper(); * consistent_guard.sleepiest_minute()