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Roxy Gen
Roxy Gen

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Tech art portfolio

Sprite 2d with shadowcasting in 3d space

Isometric stylized water

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Lowpoly rigging and skinning

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Mixamo integration

Custom render feature with custom postprocessing volume

Adaptation of this built-in shader for URP.

Shader "PostProcess/TiltShift"
        #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
        #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Runtime/Utilities/Blit.hlsl"

        float _Offset;
        float _Area;
        float _Spread;
        float _Samples;
        float _Radius;

        float2 _PixelSize;

        float _CubicDistortion;
        float _DistortionScale;

        float4 _GoldenRatioAngle;

        float4 _BlitTexture_TexelSize;

        inline half gradient (half2 uv)
            half2 h = uv.xy - half2(0.5, 0.5);
            half r2 = dot(h, h);

            uv = (1.0 + r2 * (_CubicDistortion * sqrt(r2))) * _DistortionScale * h + 0.5;

            half2 coord = uv * 2.0 - 1.0 + _Offset;
            return pow ( abs (coord.y * _Area), _Spread);


        half4 Tilt(Varyings input) : SV_Target
            half2x2 rot = half2x2(_GoldenRatioAngle);
            half4 accumulator = 0.0;
            half4 divisor = 0.0;

            half r = 1.0;
            half2 angle = half2(0.0, _Radius * saturate(gradient(input.texcoord)));

            for (int i = 0; i < _Samples; i++)
                r += 1.0 / r;
                angle = mul(rot, angle);
                half4 bokeh = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(
                    input.texcoord + _PixelSize * (r - 1.0) * angle

                accumulator += bokeh * bokeh;
                divisor += bokeh;

            return accumulator/divisor;

        Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"}
        // No culling or depth
        Cull Off ZWrite Off

            Name "TiltPass"

            #pragma vertex Vert
            #pragma fragment Tilt

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Custum Postprocessing voulme component

using System;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;

[Serializable, VolumeComponentMenuForRenderPipeline ("Postprocess/TiltShift", typeof(UniversalRenderPipeline))]
public class TiltShiftPostprocess : VolumeComponent, IPostProcessComponent
    public BoolParameter Active = new BoolParameter(true);

    public ClampedFloatParameter  Offset = new ClampedFloatParameter(0f, 0f, 1f);

    public ClampedFloatParameter Area = new ClampedFloatParameter(1f, 0f, 20f);

    public ClampedFloatParameter Spread = new ClampedFloatParameter(1f, 0f, 20f);

    public ClampedIntParameter Samples = new ClampedIntParameter(32, 4, 64);

    public ClampedFloatParameter Radius = new ClampedFloatParameter(2f, 0f, 2f);

    public ClampedFloatParameter CubicDistortion = new ClampedFloatParameter(5f, 0f, 20f);

    public ClampedFloatParameter DistortionScale = new ClampedFloatParameter(1f, 0f, 1f);

    public bool IsActive() => Active.value;

    public bool IsTileCompatible() => true;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Render Feature code

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;

public class TiltShiftRenderFeature : ScriptableRendererFeature
    private Material m_Material;
    class TiltShiftRenderPass : ScriptableRenderPass
        private Material m_Material;
        // private static readonly int m_tiltId = Shader.PropertyToID("_TiltPass");

        private RTHandle m_Tilt;
        private RenderTextureDescriptor m_TiltTextureDescriptor;

        // Golden Ratio Angle
        private Vector4 m_GoldenRatioAngle =;
        private const float m_GoldenRatio = 2.39996323f;

        public TiltShiftRenderPass(Material material)
            m_Material = material;

            float goldenCos = Mathf.Cos(m_GoldenRatio);
            float goldenSin = Mathf.Sin(m_GoldenRatio);

            m_GoldenRatioAngle.Set(goldenCos, goldenSin, -goldenSin, goldenCos);

            m_TiltTextureDescriptor = new RenderTextureDescriptor(
                Screen.width, Screen.height,
                RenderTextureFormat.Default, 0);

        public override void Configure(CommandBuffer cmd, RenderTextureDescriptor cameraTextureDescriptor)
            m_TiltTextureDescriptor.width = cameraTextureDescriptor.width;
            m_TiltTextureDescriptor.height = cameraTextureDescriptor.height;

            RenderingUtils.ReAllocateIfNeeded(ref m_Tilt, m_TiltTextureDescriptor); // move to configure

        // In URP 14 have blit problem, need to investigate
        // possible solution:
        public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData)
            CommandBuffer commandBuffer = CommandBufferPool.Get();

            VolumeStack volumeStack = VolumeManager.instance.stack;
            TiltShiftPostprocess tiltData = volumeStack.GetComponent<TiltShiftPostprocess>();

            RTHandle cameraTargetHandle = renderingData.cameraData.renderer.cameraColorTargetHandle;

            if (cameraTargetHandle == null)

            if (tiltData.IsActive())

                    if(cameraTargetHandle == null) 
                        Debug.LogWarning("TiltTex is null");
                    if( cameraTargetHandle == null)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Camera is null");
                    Blit(commandBuffer, cameraTargetHandle, m_Tilt, m_Material, 0);
                    Blit(commandBuffer, m_Tilt, cameraTargetHandle, null, 1);


        private void UpdateTiltMaterial(TiltShiftPostprocess tiltData)
            if (m_Material == null)

            // TODO move string to const or Shader Property ID
            m_Material.SetFloat("_Offset", tiltData.Offset.value);
            m_Material.SetFloat("_Area", tiltData.Area.value);
            m_Material.SetFloat("_Spread", tiltData.Spread.value);
            m_Material.SetInt("_Samples", tiltData.Samples.value);
            m_Material.SetFloat("_Radius", tiltData.Radius.value);
            m_Material.SetFloat("_CubicDistortion", tiltData.CubicDistortion.value);
            m_Material.SetFloat("_DistortionScale", tiltData.DistortionScale.value);

            // Setting up precalulated staff from here
            // to not calculate at runtime
            m_Material.SetVector("_GoldenRatioAngle", m_GoldenRatioAngle);

        public void Dispose()
           // would material be deleted twice?
            // #if UNITY_EDITOR
            //     if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            //     {
            //         Destroy(m_Material);
            //     }
            //     else
            //     {
            //         DestroyImmediate(m_Material);
            //     }
            // #else
            //     Destroy(m_Material);
            // #endif

            if (m_Tilt!= null)

    TiltShiftRenderPass m_ScriptablePass;

    public override void Create()
        if (m_Material == null || m_Material.shader == null)
            if (m_Material!=null)

            m_Material = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial("PostProcess/TiltShift");
        m_ScriptablePass = new TiltShiftRenderPass(m_Material);
        m_ScriptablePass.renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingPostProcessing;

    public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData)

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Godot Cozy Test Scene

Grass shader modification:

void vertex()
    worldPos = (MODEL_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0)).xyz;

void fragment()
    /// ...
    float filter = texture(grass_filter_texture, (worldPos.xz + filter_shift.xz)/ filter_scale).a;

    if (filter > density_threshold)
    /// ...
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Filter texture. Using alpha channel, but can lower bit depth for to 8 for examle.

Image description

Round rect button shader code:

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform vec4 color : source_color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform vec4 border_color : source_color = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform float border_size: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.1;
uniform float corner_radius = 0.0;

vec4 square(vec2 uv, float width)
    uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;

    vec2 abs_uv = abs(uv.xy);
    float square = step(width, max(abs_uv.x, abs_uv.y));
    return vec4(vec3(square), 1.0);

vec4 square_rounded(vec2 uv, float width, float radius){
    uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;

    radius *= width; // TODO: make radius go from 0-1 instead of 0-width
    vec2 abs_uv = abs(uv.xy) - radius;
    vec2 dist = vec2(max(abs_uv.xy, 0.0));
    float square = smoothstep(width - radius, width - radius + 0.01, length(dist));
    return vec4(vec3(square), 1.0);

void fragment() {
    vec4 sq = square_rounded(UV,1, corner_radius);
    vec4 sq2 = square_rounded(UV,1.0-border_size, corner_radius+0.1);
    vec4 col = color;
    col = mix(color, border_color, sq2.r);
    col.a *= 1.0 - sq.r;
    COLOR = col;
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