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5 Tips for learning new technologies and languages as a beginner [2023]

Learning new programming languages and technologies can be a daunting task.

Here are 5 useful tips that I have gathered from my own personal experience that will help you grow as a developer:

Tip #1: Ask ChatGPT for assistance!/Just Google it.

Screenshot of ChatGPT teaching programming

Use ChatGPT to understand complex concepts, generate guides and roadmaps, complete, explain, or fix your code, and many more.

Alongside ChatGPT, Google and Reddit are also helpful resources for information on programming languages and technologies. However, it's important to use a variety of sources and verify the accuracy of the information you receive.

Using multiple resources, including official documentation, forums, and online communities, will provide a comprehensive learning experience and minimize the risk of inaccurate information, especially when using AI tools like ChatGPT.

Tip #2: Read the Documentation

Example screenshot of Documentation of a programming library

Reading the official documentation is an excellent way to learn about a new programming language or technology. It offers detailed information on the syntax, features, and libraries of the language, as well as step-by-step instructions and examples to help you get started.

In some cases, the documentation may not be very helpful. In this case, the next tip can be useful.

Tip #3: Watch YouTube Videos

Thumbnail of a youtube tutorial teaching the beginner concept of methods in java programming

YouTube videos, made by programmers such as Tech with Tim, Fireship, Engineer Man, The New Boston, Traversy Media, Derek Banas and many more I forgot to mention are excellent resources for learning new programming languages and technologies. These videos are typically around 5-10 minutes long and provide a quick overview of the language or technology, along with practical examples and tips to help you get started with any concept or paradigm you can imagine.

However, it's important to understand how the code you write works, not just copy other people's existing code and build your own projects. That's why the next tip is so important!

Tip #4: Practice, Practice, Practice

Thumbnail of a video tutorial that teaches building an AI-powered project using React

Practicing is essential to becoming proficient in a new language or technology. Create small projects, experiment, and recreate existing software to gain confidence and understand how it works. Combining technologies can also help you build a complete solution.

By consistently practicing, you can master the new language or technology and use it to build your own projects with ease.

Sometimes you get stuck building a project and you don't seem to find any help from Google, that's where you should try the next tip.

Tip #5: Get involved in the Community

Screenshot of the rust programming language's subreddit

Joining online communities such as Discord servers, subreddits, and forums dedicated to the programming language or technology you are learning is a great way to connect with others who are also learning and to access helpful resources and tips. Experienced developers can provide advice and answer questions, which can help you learn faster.

To sum up, learning new programming languages and technologies requires a combination of different resources and practices.

Utilizing AI tools like ChatGPT, reading the official documentation, watching educational videos, practicing and getting involved in the community can all help in your journey of becoming a proficient developer.

It's important to use a variety of sources and verify accuracy, and to always prioritize practical experience and hands-on learning over just passively consuming information.

These tips will benefit you greatly as a developer in the future. Even if you choose to follow only one or two of them, they will still make a significant impact on your growth as a software developer.

Wish you the best, keep on deving ;)

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Sloan, the sloth mascot
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tanimu_maidoki profile image
Umar Maidoki • Edited

Don't you think as a beginner, using chat-GPT will make a person lazy, in a way you won't force yourself to think ?? Or it's okay to just start out with it?

rosnerdev profile image

I think it's okay to start out with and that if used for comprehension and understanding can help you wonders in your programming journey.

Whether you want to use ChatGPT for everything is your call, you just have to keep in mind that dependence on ChatGPT will not lead you anywhere and you almost certainly won't progress your skills.