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Cover image for A Take on Empowering ActiveRecord
Bruno Vezoli for Rootstrap

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A Take on Empowering ActiveRecord

I think we are quite underpowered when it comes to doing queries on Rails, having this in mind I proposed my opinion on how we could improve this and made a PR. I also wanted to share it here to know what others think and maybe get some traction.

The reasoning behind this idea

The problem I was trying to solve is one I usually face, and I think all of us do, where I have to use raw SQL strings for simple queries like:

Post.where('created_at > ?', 1.month.ago)
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I won't get into why using strings is not ideal but here's a quick example of how this could go wrong:

Post.where('created_at > ?', 1.month.ago).joins(:comments)
# run this query and you'll get an ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR:  column reference "created_at" is ambiguous) exception
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Aside from that I really love Ruby and I'd like to write as much Ruby and as less of any other language as possible.

Querying with Ruby blocks

My idea of how querying can be enhanced is simple: use a block to build the query just as if you were using #select or #map. Here's a quick example on how I imagine that syntax looking:

Post.where { |post| }
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Wouldn't you agree that's much better than writing/parsing SQL strings? If you know what Arel is, you'll notice that I purposely used its syntax when comparing values. If you don't know what Arel is, a quick explanation is that it's what ActiveRecord uses to build queries under the hood.

I used Arel syntax because I think it's great and I find myself using it a lot in complex queries. I also believe it has become very stable and that it provides great capabilities with a good syntax. Although we could also just alias some comparison methods and have something that looks much more natural:

Post.where { |post| post.created_at > 1.month.ago }
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I mean other ORMs have had this power for years now, here's an example straight from Sequel's documentation:

Post.where { num_comments < 7 }
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The Sequel maintainers describe the block as "magical" but I don't think there's anything magical going on, we are pretty used to using blocks everywhere, FactoryBot and RSpec are the first examples that come to my mind, where they've built a great DSL with blocks and the use of instance_exec.

What about associations?

Another thing I find difficult right now is filtering using attributes from two different tables, I'm talking about queries like:

Post.join(:author).where("posts.likes > users.age")
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Which using a block could just be written as:

Post.join(:author).where { |post| }
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Notice how on one we have to reference the underlying table name while in the other we could just let Rails figure it out and write code more accordingly to our domain. Just to show another ORM (well technically not an ORM) here's Ecto's take on it:

|> join(:inner, [p], a in Author, on: p.author_id ==
|> where([p, a], p.likes > a.age)
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A bit verbose but I really like the power Ecto gives to the developer.

Let's take it further

There's much more we could be using on the database side, we could delegate much more to it and speed up our application or use functions that are very powerful and we generally forget about. How about implementing search functionality with Postgres? I think using functionalities like pg_trgm should be as easy as

Post.where { |post| similarity(post.title, "search string") > 0.78 }
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And there are a bunch of other functions and functionalities from our DBMS we might be missing out just because we would need to use raw SQL strings to use them.

How do I get this ActiveRecord block querying syntax?

As I said I took the chance to transform the idea into actual code and made a PR about it. If you want to see how this could be brought to like check out this PR. And of course, if you have any opinions on this, good or bad, feel free to comment here or on Github.

Top comments (8)

omrisama profile image
Omri Gabay

Wow awesome stuff. I almost can't believe we don't have this already.

yoelblum profile image

I have to say this is really quite unreadable
|> join(:inner, [p], a in Author, on: p.author_id ==
|> where([p, a], p.likes > a.age)

flexibility aside a main point of the ORM is to be more readable than SQL!

brunvez profile image
Bruno Vezoli

It's a fair point, I guess some of this might be simplified I just wanted a quick example of Ecto's power 😅

yoelblum profile image

I love what you did there, good job! So it seems like the core team is uncertain / unresponsive about this , any thoughts on why ?

brunvez profile image
Bruno Vezoli

Thank you! And thanks for reading too. I guess the discussion is around whether or not Arel should be made public (the answer seems to be yes) and what work needs to be done in order for it to be stable. I'm fiddling with some concepts of how to get this syntax without having to expose it but there's nothing I like yet.

yoelblum profile image

Ah of course, arel isn't public yet.
Well I guess this could be a gem or something for now, I know Squeel used to do something pretty similar but the maintainer gave up at some point because ActiveRecord was constantly changing it's inner apis. So maybe best to hope/wait till Arel is public!

pikachuexe profile image

Nice one!
I will follow the PR and see what I can contribute / comment

aringlis profile image
Alistair Inglis
