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Sami Alhaddad
Sami Alhaddad

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Rancher Kubernetes on Openstack using Terraform

In this article we will walk through creating complete infrastructure pieces on OpenStack that are needed to have a fully provisioned Kubernetes cluster using Terraform and Rancher2. In addition to integration with cloud-provider-openstack and cinder-csi-plugin

Getting started with Infrastructure

  • Clone the repository terraform-rancher2 into a folder.
  • Go into the openstack folder using cd openstack/
  • Modify the variables in terraform.tfvars to match your current cloud environment. it is important to uncomment the vars openstack_project , openstack_username and openstack_password or export them as env variables with prefix TF_VAR_* for example:
export TF_VAR_openstack_username=myusername
export TF_VAR_openstack_password=mypassword
export TF_VAR_openstack_project=myproject
  • Other variables can be obtained from openstack-cli such as rancher_node_image_id , external_network and flavors by invoking
## image list .. pick an ubuntu image
openstack image list
## network name
openstack network list --external
## flavors
openstack flavor list
  • RKE configuration can be adjusted and customized in, you can check the provider documentation at rancher_cluster
    NOTE: It is really important to keep kubelet extra_args for the external cloudprovider in order to integrate with cloud-provider-openstack

  • Run terraform init to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files.

  • To apply the creation of the environment, Run terraform apply --auto-approve and wait for the output after all resources finish the creation

Apply complete! Resources: 25 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


rancher_url = [

Up to this point, use the rancher_url from above output and login to rancher instance with username admin and password defined in rancher_admin_password. Wait for all kubernetes nodes to be discovered, registered, and active.

Integration with cloud-provider-openstack

As you may notice, that all the nodes have a taint The usage of --cloud-provider=external flag to the kubelet makes it waiting for the clouder-provider to start the initialization. This marks the node as needing a second initialization from an external controller before it can be scheduled work.

  • Edit the file manifests/cloud-config with the access information to your openstack environment.
  • Create a secret containing the cloud configuration in the kube-system namespace
kubectl create secret -n kube-system generic cloud-config --from-file=manifests/cloud-config
  • Create RBAC resources and openstack-cloud-controller-manager deamonset and wait for all the pods in kube-system namespace up and running.
kubectl apply -f manifests/cloud-controller-manager-roles.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/cloud-controller-manager-role-bindings.yaml
kubectl apply -f manifests/openstack-cloud-controller-manager-ds.yaml
  • Create cinder-csi-plugin which are a set of cluster roles, cluster role bindings, statefulsets, and storageClass to communicate with openstack(cinder).
kubectl apply -f manifests/cinder-csi-plugin.yaml

Up to this point, openstack-cloud-controller-manager and cinder-csi-plugin have been deployed, and they're able to obtain valuable information such as External IP addresses and Zone info.

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide

demo-master-1   Ready    controlplane,etcd   5h      v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9
demo-worker-1   Ready    worker              4h57m   v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9
demo-worker-2   Ready    worker              4h56m   v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9


Also, as shown in the nodes tab, All nodes are active and labeled by openstack zones.



When it comes to scalability with IaaC (infrastructure-as-a-code), it becomes so easy to obtain any desired state in less consumed efforts and time.
All you have to do is to change the number of nodes count_master or count_worker_nodes and run terraform apply again
For example, let's increase the number of count_worker_nodes by 1
A few minutes later, after refreshing states and applying updates:

Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


rancher_url = [

Couple of minutes for the new node to be registered

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
demo-master-1   Ready    controlplane,etcd   28h    v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9
demo-worker-1   Ready    worker              28h    v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9
demo-worker-2   Ready    worker              28h    v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9
demo-worker-3   Ready    worker              2m2s   v1.17.5   xx.xx.xx.xx      Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   4.15.0-45-generic   docker://19.3.9

NOTE: Scaling down the cluster could be made by decreasing the number of nodes in terrafrom.tfvars. Node gets deleted, moreover cloud-provider-openstack detects that and removes it from the cluster

Cleaning up

To clean up all resources created by this terraform, Just run terraform destroy

GitHub logo rootsami / terraform-rancher2

Terraform manifests to create e2e production grade k8s cluster


Terraform manifests to create e2e production-grade Kubernetes cluster on top of cloud providers


This repo is intended to be for creating complete infrastructure pieces on OpenStack that are needed to have a fully provisioned Kubernetes cluster using Terraform and Rancher2. In addition to integration with cloud-provider-openstack

Getting started with Infrastructure

  • Clone the repository terraform-rancher2 into a folder.
  • Go into the openstack folder using cd openstack/
  • Modify the variables in terraform.tfvars to match your current cloud environment. it is important to uncomment the vars openstack_project , openstack_username and openstack_password or export them as env variables with prefix TF_VAR_* for example:
export TF_VAR_openstack_username=myusername
export TF_VAR_openstack_password=mypassword
export TF_VAR_openstack_project=myproject
  • Other variables can be obtained from openstack-cli such as rancher_node_image_id , external_network by invoking
## image list
openstack image list
## network name
openstack network list --external
## flavors
openstack flavor list
  • Run terraform init to initialize a working directory…


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