DEV Community

Discussion on: A deep dive into Go's Context Package

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Ron Dahan • Edited

Hello Ghvst and thank you for this great article!

I have a question regarding a specific sentence here - The withValue function should not be used for passing parameters to functions...
So if for example, I have an HTTP server with the common structure of
controller -> service -> repository.

I find myself passing too many parameters from one service to another. So my thinking was to create a global context object which will be available to all of them without the need to pass it as a parameter (of course all the data in it are related to a specific request)

But I am a bit confused now, the context.WithValue() should not be used for this case? and if not, do you have any idea how to achieve that goal?

Thank a lot!

ghvstcode profile image

Hello Ron!
I am glad you enjoyed this post.

I do not have a definite answer to your question, But you stated all the data are related to a specific request . creating a global context object might work fine! one of the reasons I advised not to use the withValue function as a parameter is that you loose typesafety at compile time since context values are basically stored as type interface{}! I hope this helps, You could check out this article for more about context