DEV Community

Discussion on: Ask for advice from non-native English speakers

ronalds profile image
Ronald S

If you happen to like online gaming try coop-games with voicechat. Anything from competitive Counter-Strike to MMO's can help.

If you like vocal music sing along with your favorites!

patryk_ryczko profile image

Unfortunately, I`m not a gamer at all, but I'm just looking for some kind of online community that will give me the opportunity to communicate in Eglish :)

chrisvasqm profile image
Christian Vasquez

"If you happen to like online gaming try coop-games with voice chat. Anything from competitive Counter-Strike to MMO's can help."

I second this!

I hated english class at school, but the day I was stuck in Pokemon because a Snorlax was blocking my path actually pushed me to learn. A few MMORPGs/shooters later and I asked my mom if I could join a local english teaching academy because I wanted to really polish my speaking/writing skills.

theminshew profile image
Michael Minshew

lol, I'm not sure one will learn much beyond swearing from CS lol. A good general idea though. I'm a native English speaker but play with spanish speakers occasionally as I'm semi-fluent in the language. you learn a whole new level of slang and such that way. great idea.