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Ronak Arora
Ronak Arora

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What is Java generics?

Java generics is a powerful and essential feature of the Java programming language that allows you to write more reusable, type-safe, and flexible code by introducing the concept of parameterized types.
It was introduced in Java 5 (also known as Java 1.5) to address the shortcomings of using raw types and casting in Java, which often led to runtime errors and code that was harder to understand and maintain.

Common use cases for generics include collections (e.g., List, Set), generic methods (e.g., public T findMax(T[] arr)), and classes that deal with various data types (e.g., Pair). Generics also play a significant role in the Java standard library, providing type-safe collections, streams, and other utilities. Apart from it by obtaining Java Course, you can advance your career in Java. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in Core Java & J2EE basic and advanced concepts and popular frameworks like Hibernate, Spring & SOA, many more fundamental concepts, and many more.

Generics allow you to create classes, interfaces, and methods that can operate on different types without sacrificing type safety. The key components of Java generics are:

Type Parameters: Generics introduce type parameters, also known as placeholders, which are represented by angle brackets (<>) and can be used to define classes, interfaces, and methods that operate on one or more types. For example, you can create a generic class like List to represent a list of elements of any type.

Parameterized Types: Type parameters can be replaced with actual types when you use a generic class or method. For example, you can create a list of integers as List, and the compiler ensures that only integers can be added to and retrieved from that list.

Type Inference: Java's type inference system automatically determines the type arguments for generic classes or methods based on the provided arguments or context. This simplifies the syntax and makes code more concise. For example, you can create a list like List names = new ArrayList<>(), and the compiler infers the type argument String.

Compile-Time Type Checking: Generics provide compile-time type checking, which means that type errors are detected by the compiler at compile time rather than at runtime. This helps eliminate the risk of ClassCastExceptions and other runtime errors associated with incorrect type casting.

Code Reusability: Generics promote code reusability by allowing you to write classes and methods that work with a wide range of data types. You can create generic algorithms, data structures, and libraries that can be used with different types without modification.

Improved Readability: Generics make code more readable and self-documenting because they express the intended type relationships and constraints in the code itself. Developers can understand the purpose of a class or method and its expected input and output types more easily.

In summary, Java generics are a fundamental feature that enhances type safety, code readability, and code reusability in Java. They enable you to write more generic and flexible code that can work with different types while catching type errors at compile time, leading to more robust and maintainable Java applications.

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