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Rohan Kaicker
Rohan Kaicker

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OSD600 Blog #5 - Lab 3

For this weeks lab, we were tasked with creating two parallel branches on our program's repo, to create two new features.

The idea behind this weeks activity was to get familiar with git merge, and the idea of fast-forward merges and three-way recursive merges.

Originally, I forgot to create both issue branches at the same time (so that they would have the same "starting point"), and created a branch just for my first issue and then merged that when it was solved. But then I realized this defeated the purpose of this weeks activity, so I decided to add 2 additional features to that I could get some practice with git merge.

My links are given below (note - Issues 25 and 26 were the ones that were incorrectly initiated):

Project Repo

1 - Issue #25 - Ability to specify HTML language.
Merge Commit

2 - Issue #26 - Parse inline code blocks.
Merge Commit

3 - Issue #27 - Parse markdown horizontal rules.
Merge Commit

4 - Issue #28 - Parse single line blockquotes.
Merge Commit

For Issues 25 and 26, the "merges" were conflict free because of the wrong way I did them. But for Issues 27 and 28, I did encounter a "conflict" (shown below).

Image description

I thought it was interesting that Git will first prevent the merge from occuring (because of the presence of a conflict), and then actually modify your file to show you exactly where the conflict is occuring. I was able to quickly fix this issue, as all I had to do was separate the if-else statements.

As I had mentioned in a previous blog post, I really wanted to take this course because I knew I'd get a chance to improve my git skills, and doing these weekly labs have really given me the chance to do just that.

As for my project, I definitely have alot of improvements to make (I beleive I have about 10 "issues" pending in my repo), and I look forward to seeing what improved versions of my project will look like!

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