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Rohit Urane
Rohit Urane

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How to make policy in laravel?

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In this article, We are studying Policy in laravel. The policy helps developers streamline authorization logic and keep their code clean and maintainable. Laravel Policies provide a way to authorize user actions on resources. Policies help centralize authorization logic and make it easy to manage access rules.

How to make policy in laravel?

Create a Policy:

Run the below command, to create a policy class in laravel. It will create an ArticlePolicy class in the app\Policies directory.

php artisan make:policy ArticlePolicy
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Define Policy Methods:

You can define different methods that perform on posts. You might create methods like view, create, update, and delete. These methods should return a boolean value.

public function view(User $user, Article $article)
    return $user->id == $post->user_id;
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The above method checks articles created by and access users is the same.

Register Policies:

You should register your policies in the AuthServiceProvider provider. You can add policies to their respective policies.

protected $policies = [
    Article::class = ArticlePolicy::class,
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