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Rohit More
Rohit More

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How to Get Started in Tech?


If you've ever thought about getting started in tech, but have been afraid to take the plunge, this post is for you! It's not as hard as it seems—and I'll tell you how right now!

Pick your passion

There are a lot of options when it comes to picking a topic to focus on. You can learn how to code, but there are also so many other areas within tech that are equally as exciting and rewarding.

When choosing your focus area, make sure it is something that you're truly passionate about. It's easy to get lost in the excitement of learning new things, but if you don't actually like what you're learning, it'll be hard for you to stay focused on improving at it over time.

Use your free time

Use your free time to learn.
If you have a few hours in the day, take advantage of them and use those hours to do something that will help you get better at what you love. Find tutorials online or dive into books on your favorite topic (or anything else!). Read articles from reputable sources on how tech is changing the world, then write down any questions you have about it so that they're ready when they come up later in life—or even this week!

Use your free time to create something new.

You don't need an expensive piece of equipment or software; there's no reason why anyone should stop making things just because they don't know how yet! If there are certain aspects of design/development that interest me but aren't part of my regular workflow at work, then maybe those could become part-time hobbies instead? Or maybe I'll find a way around this limitation altogether by creating something entirely new based on another idea instead?

Learn a programming language.

You should pick a programming language that you are interested in. You don't need to know everything about the language before you start using it, but at least understand what it is and how it works. I recommend starting with Python and JavaScript because they are easy to learn and popular among employers.

What kind of language do you want to use?

There are many different types of programming languages, so choose one that is easy for you to learn, fun to use, and most importantly in demand by employers (which means it will be easier for you to get hired). If your goal is just learning about tech companies and software development careers then any modern programming language will work fine!

Develop a growth mindset and learn to enjoy the process.

The key to learning to enjoy the process is developing a growth mindset. A growth mindset is when you believe that your abilities can develop over time, and that every step along the way adds something new to your skill set.

In a nutshell, a growth mindset is the idea that you can improve your skills through hard work and practice. It's not something you're born with: it's something that you can cultivate by learning to enjoy the process of learning itself, even when it's difficult or frustrating. You can learn how to do this by finding mentors, or joining communities where people are more than willing to help each other out as they go through their own journey of self-improvement.

Find your superpower and become an expert! 💪💪

If you're like most people, you have a special skill or set of skills that make you good at something. Maybe it's your ability to juggle and solve puzzles, your facility with code, or your knack for graphic design. Whatever it is, spend some time exploring what makes you uniquely good at something and then focus on honing that skill.

For example: If you're great at solving problems by thinking outside the box (and getting others to do so), look for ways to use this skill in your day-to-day life.

Build a portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your work and accomplishments. It’s one of the most important things you can do as a tech professional, because it shows potential employers what you have done in the past and what skills you have. A good portfolio will showcase your design skills, programming knowledge and ability to communicate with others in different fields. Having a strong portfolio will help get you hired!

There are lots of places where software developers can build their own portfolios online using websites like Github, Dribbble or Behance.

Don't be afraid to try out something you want to do in tech

Don't be afraid to try out something you want to do in tech. If you're new and interested in technology, I recommend starting small. Choose a project that's relatively simple, but still interesting enough for you. Don't worry about what other people think: if you love coding, then go for it! The best way to learn is by doing and making mistakes along the way. You'll also learn faster when there are fewer things standing in your way of trying new things—like having an empty text file staring at you on screen!

Get involved in a community

You'll want to find a community that is close to your interests and skills. This will make it easier for you to learn from people, as well as help others by sharing knowledge. You should also find a community that is willing to teach newbies like yourself and help them grow their skills.

Get involved in tech Twitter!

It's the fastest, most direct way to learn about tech and get your foot in the door. There are tons of people who are willing to help, especially if they see you making an effort and taking initiative. You'll also get exposed to all sorts of resources, which means more opportunities for getting your name out there.

Getting started in tech is not as hard as it seems.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of learning to code, but getting started is not as hard as it seems. You don't have to be a genius, and you can learn at your own pace. You don't need a degree or formal training to learn how to code.

There are many resources available for you to get started with coding and any programming languages. It's possible to teach yourself programming languages and create your own applications without spending thousands of dollars on tuition and classes.

It's never too late and you're never too old to get started learning to code!

It's never too late and you're never too old to get started learning to code! You can learn to code at any age, and it's never too late to start. In fact, a lot of people are surprised to find out that they can still learn how to code in their 50s!

If you have a passion for technology, why not start now? You might be surprised at what you can accomplish with just a little bit of practice.

The barrier to entry for learning how to code is much lower than it used to be. With so many resources available now and an increase in people entering the field, there's no reason why anyone should hesitate about starting their journey into tech education.

The truth is that anyone can learn how to code and become good at it if they want it badly enough!


I hope this post has helped you get started on your journey to becoming an expert in tech. There's no need to be afraid or hesitant about what lies ahead! Don't feel pressured by others' expectations of you, and focus on what makes your heart sing. With these tips at hand, I believe anyone can make their dreams come true.

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