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Rofiat Abdulkareem
Rofiat Abdulkareem

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Git Commands

Git push

The git push command is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.

It transfers commits from your local repository to a remote repository, making your changes available to others who have access to that remote repository.

git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory. It creates a .git folder that tracks your project files and their changes.

git clone : Creates a local copy of a remote repository using the specified URL. This command is useful for downloading an existing repository onto your machine.

git add : Stages changes (new, modified, or deleted files) for the next commit. You can specify individual files or use . to stage all changes.

git commit -m "": Records changes that have been staged with a descriptive message. This command takes a snapshot of the current state of the project.

What is a commit message?

A commit message is a brief text that accompanies each commit in a Git repository. It tells the reader what was done.

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