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Google authentication with Symfony 7

I had some problems with Google authentication in Symfony 7.

Here are the steps I used to get it working.

Create a new application

symfony new authdemo --version="7.0.*" --webapp

Create 2 controllers with bin/console make:controller.
RootController and DashboardController

Change the route for RootController from /root to /.
This will be our public page.

/dashboard should only be accessible for an authenticated user.

Create the Google credentials

Go to your project on Google cloud console and select 'APIs & Services'.

On the credentials tab you can select 'create credentials' and then 'OAuth client ID'.

Image description

In the next screen choose 'Web application' as application type.

Add https://localhost:8000/login/check-google to 'Authorized redirect URIs' and click 'create'

You now get a 'Client ID' and 'Client secret'.

Create a .env.local file in the root of your project and add those values like this:

GOOGLE_ID=<Paste you Google ID here>
GOOGLE_SECRET=<Paste your Google secret here>
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Install and configure the HWIOAuthBundle

You can find more detailed instructions here

Install the bundle: composer require hwi/oauth-bundle and execute the recipe to add the needed bundle and routing.

Change config/packages/hwi_oauth.yaml to look like this:

    firewall_names: [main]
            type:                google
            client_id:           '%env(GOOGLE_ID)%'
            client_secret:       '%env(GOOGLE_SECRET)%'
            scope:               "email profile"
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The client_id and client_secret will be set from you environment variables. In this case the .env.local file we created in the previous step.

Now we need to update config/packages/security.yaml.

  • Add the hwi_oauth provider
  • Configure the main firewall to use the new provider with the correct settings
  • Add access control rules to protect your application
            id: hwi_oauth.user.provider

            pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
            security: false
            pattern: ^/
                   google:          "/login/check-google"
               login_path:        /
               use_forward:       false
               failure_path:      /

                   service: hwi_oauth.user.provider
               provider: hwi_oauth.user.provider

        - { path: ^/login, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
        - { path: ^/connect, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
        - { path: ^/(.+), roles: ROLE_USER }
        - { path: ^/$, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }

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With those setting the root page should be public, but /dashboard should not be accessible. If you try to go to /dashboard you will be redirected to /.

Let's add a login link to the root page.

Add this in templates/root/index.html.twig:

<a href="{ { path('hwi_oauth_service_redirect', {'service': 'google' }) }}">
    <span>Login with Google</span>
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You need to add that route somewhere. I added this in config/routes/hwi_oauth_routing.yaml:

    path: /login/check-google
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That is it!!

Now you should be able to login with google.
After logging in you should see your name in the Symfony Profiler. You should also be allowed to see /dashboard now.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions to improve this.

Top comments (1)

gigel_oricare_668ae7fc2de profile image
gigel oricare

is not working with symfony 7.2