DEV Community

Izuchukwu Alaneme
Izuchukwu Alaneme

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Building Web Pages Step by Step: Exploring Structure and Elements in HTML

🌟 Today marks a key step in my software development journey! πŸš€ I wrote my first lines of code, diving into the essentials of HTML. Covered elements and tags. Yesterday, I explored the boxing technique to structure websites, and today I put it into practice by creating sections like headers, footers, and content areas. I also added various HTML elements, including image elements and link elements, and even tried my hand at inner linking on a single-page website. It’s amazing to see how these pieces fit together to build a functional and organized webpage. Can’t wait to keep learning and creating! πŸ’»πŸ› οΈ #CodeNewbie #WebDevelopment #HTML #CSS #LearningToCode

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