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Cover image for Our way: Let the code breath
Robson Tenório
Robson Tenório

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Our way: Let the code breath

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There is no wrong or right way, there is our way.

-- Someone


Separate contexts


$post = Helper::sanitize($post);
$post = Helper::validation($post);
$comments = Helper::crazy('hello');
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$post = Helper::sanitize($post);
$post = Helper::validation($post);

$comments = Helper::crazy('hello');
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Please, line breaks!


$hello = 'Mary';
if(...) {

foreach(...) {

if(...) {

$go = 'Paul';

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$hello = 'Mary'; 
// <---here
if (...) {

// <---here
foreach(...) {

// <---here
if(...) {

// <---here
$go = 'Paul';
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Cleaner IF


if (User::where('name', 'Joe')->first() && 
   Product::where('name', 'xbox')->count() == 0) {
   throw new Exception("I'm sorry Joe. We don't have Xbox");

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$isJoe = User::where('name', 'Joe')->first();
$hasXbox = Product::where('name', 'xbox')->count() == 0;

if ($isJoe && ! $hasXbox) {
   throw new Exception("I'm sorry Joe. We don't have Xbox");
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Early return


// You can buy a toy ONLY:
//  - If you have money 
//  - If it is weekend
//  - If it is NOT snowing

if($haveMoney) {
   if(! $isWeekend) {
       throw new Exception("It is not weekend!")
   } else {
      if($isSnowing) {
          throw new Exception("It is snowing!")
      } else {
          return 'Yes! I can buy!';
} else {
   throw new Exception("I don't have money!")

// Oh my... who did this!?
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// No need to read rules, I can read the code.

if (! $haveMoney) {
   throw new Exception("I don't have money!")   

if (! $isWeekend) {
    throw new Exception("It is not weekend!")

if ($isSnowing) {
    throw new Exception("It is snowing!")

return 'Yes! I can buy!';
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