DEV Community

Robson Muniz
Robson Muniz

Posted on

🎬Simple Countdown Timer | Vanilla JavaScript⏱️

Hello, DEV, sometimes, you’re going to need to build a JavaScript countdown clock.
You may have an event, a sale, a promotion, or a game. You can build a clock in Vanilla JavaScript rather than reaching for the nearest plugin.
You’ll have more control. You will have built the clock to behave exactly the way you want it to (rather than trying to bend a plugin to your will).
So, here’s how to make your own countdown clock in just a few lines of JavaScript.

🧠 Concepts covered in this project:

  • Set a valid end date.
  • Calculate the time remaining.

  • Convert the time to a usable format. (Milliseconds)
  • Output the clock data as a reusable object
  • Display the clock on the page

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