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🧩 State Management in Svelte Applications

📙 A tutorial on how to use the Svelte state management store to manage state in Svelte applications

TL;DR: As a Front-end developer, one of the most crucial skills to possess is how to manage state in your applications. The ability to synchronize application state with data changes and manage shared state amongst different components is a strong requirement in building modern frontend applications. Several state management libraries have been developed with certain frameworks having a de-facto state management library that they naturally work well with (e.g., Redux for Reactjs).

In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform state management in Svelte applications using Svelte's built-in state management Stores.

What We'll Build

In this tutorial, you will be implementing state management in a shopping cart built with Svelte. You will begin with a pre-built e-commerce application that sells different types of wares. However, this application is not yet complete, as its shopping features for adding products to the cart and managing cart items have not been implemented. Using the Svelte store, you will be adding the following features to the application:

  • Load the products from a central state store
  • Add items to the shopping cart
  • Display items added to the shopping cart
  • Calculate the total price of items in the cart
  • Increase and decrease the quantity of the items in the cart
  • Remove items from the cart


There are a few requirements to follow along with this exercise:

  • Node.js installed on your system. You can visit the website and install a suitable version for your operating system here.
  • Basic knowledge of Svelte and using Svelte components.

With all these in place, you can proceed with the exercise.


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