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Provisioning Auth0 resources with TypeScript and Pulumi

Original post written by Juan Cruz Martinez for Auth0 blog.

Use Pulumi to provision Auth0 resources using your familiar programming languages.

Pulumi is a fantastic solution for IaC (Infrastructure as Code). It allows you to manage your cloud services with high-level SDKs for popular programming languages like TypeScript, C#, GoLang, and Python. The familiarity and characteristics of those programming languages make it easier to set up, maintain and write code for your cloud services, including your friendly authentication provider Auth0.

This blog post will show you how to provision Auth0 resources using TypeScript and Pulumi. We will use the Pulumi tool to create and manage our infrastructure as code which is a great way to keep your infrastructure in a safe, version-controlled repository.

Let's get started!

What Is Pulumi


Managing your cloud infrastructure can be a daunting task. When even automated, you need to learn a new programming language (or multiple languages) to write code for your cloud services.

Pulumi is a tool that enables developers to write code for their cloud services using familiar programming languages like TypeScript, C#, GoLang, and Python. This makes it easier than ever to get started with Infrastructure as Code.

Pulumi also abstracts away the cloud provider-specific resources and provides a unified view of all your resources in one place. This makes it easy to see what changes need to be made when you want to migrate to a different cloud provider.

What Is Auth0 and the Auth0 Marketplace

Auth0 is a cloud-based identity and authentication management platform. It provides a platform for developers to add user authentication to their applications and supports a variety of authentication methods, including social login, username and password, and SSO.

The Auth0 marketplace is where developers can find and use pre-built integrations for their applications. These integrations provide user authentication, management, and security features. The Auth0 marketplace offers a variety of integrations, including social login, enterprise federation, and developer tools.


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