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Dezmerean Robert
Dezmerean Robert

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Get URL Parameters with JavaScript

URL Parameters (also known as Query Parameters or Query String) are a set o key value pairs attached to the end of a URL. They are used to send small amounts of data from page to page, or from client to server via the URL.


const queryString =;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);


urlParams.get('color')     // purple
urlParams.getAll('size')   // ['M', 'L']
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URL Parameters Structure

The query parameters are separate from URL path with a ? (question mark):
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Each parameter after the first one is joined with an & (ampersand):
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In this case the query string is color=purple.

There are characters that cannot be part of a URL (for example space) and some other characters have a special meaning in a URL (the character #). This types of characters need to be encoded (for example space is encoded as %20).

Get a URL parameter

You can get the query string using

const queryString =;
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You can then parse the query string's parameters using URLSearchParams:

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
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Now you can use URLSearchParams.get() to get the first value associated with the given search parameter:


urlParams.get('color')   // purple
urlParams.get('size')    // M
urlParams.get('nothing') // empty string
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Get all values of a URL parameter

Now you can use URLSearchParams.getAll() to get all values associated with the given search parameter:


urlParams.getAll('color') // ['purple']
urlParams.getAll('size')  // ['M', 'L']
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Check if a URL parameter exists

You can use URLSearchParams.has() to check if a given parameter exists.


urlParams.has('color')   // true
urlParams.has('size')    // true
urlParams.has('nothing') // false
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Iterating over URL parameters

Iterate through all keys:

const keys = urlParams.keys();

for (const key of keys) {
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Iterate through all values:

const values = urlParams.values();

for (const value of values) {
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Iterate through all key/value pairs:

const entries = urlParams.entries();

for(const entry of entries) {
  console.log(`${entry[0]} = ${entry[1]}`);
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For Internet Explorer

The URLSearchParams is not suported on IE, so you will need to parse the URL and get the query parameters.

function getParameterByName(name) {
  cont url =;
  name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');

  let regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)');
  let results = regex.exec(url);

  if (!results) {
    return null;

  if (!results[2]) {
    return '';

  return decodeURIComponent(results[2]);
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Now you can use getParameterByName to get the first value associated with the given search parameter:


getParameterByName('color')   // purple
getParameterByName('size')    // M
getParameterByName('nothing') // null
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Top comments (1)

harry_wood profile image
Harry Wood

Pretty sure it wasn't that easy last time I did thi.... oh yeah Internet Explorer