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Mitesh Rathod
Mitesh Rathod

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Access parent component value from the Repeater in Filament

If you want to interact with fields outside of Repeater input, then you can use use $get('../../parent_field_name').

Yes, $get is very powerful function.

Let's say you have few Fields in the form - Order fields.


use App\Models\Product;
use Filament\Forms;
use Filament\Forms\Form;

public static function form(Form $form): Form
    return $form
                ->label('Order Number')
                ->placeholder('Order Number')

                        ->label('Product Code')

                        ->options(Product::query()->pluck('name', 'id'))
                        ->afterStateUpdated(fn ($state, Forms\Set $set) =>
                            $set('price', Product::find($state)?->retail_price ?? 0)


                        ->label('Unit Price')
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Now, you want to access the order number in the product repeater, you can do with

    ->label('Product Code')
    ->afterStateUpdated(function(Forms\Get $get) {
        return $get('../../order_number'); // using .. you can access parent component value. same as directory structure.

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For more details you can refer the Filament doc for the same.

and there you go!..

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