DEV Community

Robert Mion
Robert Mion

Posted on

I expect you to fix my broken math under 24 hours

The HTML is fine

<h1>A simple math app</h1>
  <p><label for="solution">Solve this equation</label></p>
  <span class="operand"></span>
  <span class="operand"></span>
  <input type="tel" id="solution" name="solution" />
  <p id="message"></p>
  <input type="submit" id="solve" value="Solve" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The JavaScript is broken

// Generate a random number between 1 and 10
function newRandomNumber() {
    Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
// Assign random numbers to each operand
function generateNewEquation() {
        function (operand) {
            operand.textContent = newRandomNumber;
// Show message for wrong answer
function wrongAnswer(solution) {
    message.textContent = `Nope. ${operands[0]textContent} + ${operands[1].textContent} was ${solution}`;
// Show message for right answer
function rightAnswer(solution) {
    message.textContent = 'Great job! ${operands[0].textContent} + ${operands[1].textContent} was ${solution}';
// Reset and return focus to entry field
function clearEntryField()
    solutionEntry.value = "";
// Compare sum of operands to user-entered value
function checkSolution(event, operands, answer) {
    var solution = Number(operands[0].textContent) + operands[1].textContent;
    solution = answer ? rightAnswer(solution) : wrongAnswer(solution);
// Select necessary DOM elements
var operands = document.querySelectorAll("operand");
var solutionEntry = document.getElementById("solution);
var message = document.getElementById("message");
var solveButton = document.getElementById("solve");
// Add click handler to 'Solve' button
solveButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
    checkSolution(e, operands);
// Reset/Generate new equation
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If you'd rather fork the code instead of copy-paste, here's a CodePen containing the broken code shown above

Thanks in advance!

Hint: 11 things are broken

Top comments (1)

easrng profile image

Here you go! I made some of the functions arrow functions fixed all the errors, and added some CSS to make it look nicer. Took less than an hour!