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Is React JS a library or framework and why?

At present, the React JS framework has become so popular that every single corporation, whether big or small, is making a comparison with the input framework. In fact, they are making a comparison of the ability of React to manage with the input framework which happens to be quite fast and elegant.

However, the real fact is that it will not be possible to React to perform these types of stuff as compared to the input framework. In that case, for what reason is React JS called a framework?

It appears that the significance of React has always been incorrect as a framework. React JS is by no means a framework.

It is known to all of us that React will be able to handle the view properly. During this operation, you will be seeing plenty of benefits offered by React like modularity as well as separations of concerns.

You will be able to recycle components quite a few times within one single web application with the help of React. We recognize this process as a functional method of programming.

Top 6 Reasons Use React Js

  1. Quick learning curve

It is a fact that React happens to be an extremely lightweight library dealing with the view layer. React is not like Ember or Angular or other similar MV* frameworks. It is possible for any JavaScript developer to comprehend the fundamentals and begin creating a fantastic web publication after going through the tutorial for a few days. It is a fact that React helps to bring an innovative approach to the table although it is going to become more natural and easier after gaining experience.

  1. Reusable components

A component-based structure is provided by React. Components happen to be the lego pieces. You will be starting with small components such as checkbox, button, dropdown, and so on, and following this, you will be creating wrapper components consisting of these small components. Following this, you will be writing higher-level wrapper components. It will be continuing like this until you have worked one particular root component which happens to be the app.

Every single component makes a decision on the way it ought to be rendered. Every single component consists of its personal internal judgment. This particular approach comes with some astounding outcomes. It will be possible for you to re-use the components as and when required. Consequently, your app is going to have a consistent feel, it will become simpler to develop the app, and code re-use helps to make it really easy to develop and maintain your codebase.

  1. Quick render using Virtual DOM

It is imperative to take into consideration the prospective performance issues while you are going to create a web application involving view updates and high interaction from the user. In spite of the fact that the JavaScript engines of today are not sufficiently quick to take care of such complicated apps, DOM manipulations are not that fast by any means. Updating DOM happens to be the bottleneck on most occasions in terms of web performance. React makes an effort to solve this issue by utilizing virtual DOM.

The view changes are going to be reflected in virtual DOM at first and then the previous and present virtual DOM states are going to be compared by an effective algorithm. This will help to figure out the most effective way of applying these changes. At length, those updates are going to be applied to the virtual DOM. This happens to be the primary reason behind the high performance of React.

  1. Clean abstraction

One positive aspect of React is a fact that it helps to provide a decent abstraction implying that no complicated internals is going to be exposed by it to the user.

It is possible to compare this to Angular: Why should you be aware of an internal procedure such as digest cycles? It will be better to keep these types of details as internals for providing a clean abstraction. It is only imperative for you to comprehend the lifecycles and states of the component for mastering React. It is not going to dictate any architecture or patterns such as MVC/MVVM.

It is only concerned regarding the view layer after all, and you will be able to display the architecture of your app in any manner you think fit. In spite of this, there happens to be one decent architecture known as Flux which fits React very well.

  1. Redux and Flux

It is Facebook which introduces and maintains Flux architecture and it is used by it for web applications. It makes use of unidirectional data flow for complimenting React components.

The primary concept will be to develop actions that are controlled by a central dispatcher for updating stores. Following this, the views are going to be updated in regard to the modifications in those stores. The information which the components are going to display is maintained in the stores and they will not be replicated as models which allows you to avoid keeping the model data throughout the application in sync at all times.

However, flux is not a library that is ready to use although there are several implementations. Redux is considered to be the most in-demand one and it happens to be a type of flux architecture reinterpretation. A single store not needed in flux will be provided by it. This is obviously a fantastic decision made by you. Only a single object is available to you where the application data can be kept. This helps to make it easy to manipulate and observe. Any modification on the data is going to lead to rendering for the linked components while the view will remain in sync with the data.

One more notable feature of Redux happens to be the fact that it is possible to define a middleware for intercepting any dispatched action. It is usually employed for logging and exception handling although middleware can also be written easily for solving all types of other issues.

In case you want to make use of Redux, it includes an awesome dev tool. This helps to make things simpler for you in the long run.

  1. Awesome developer tools

While selecting a development platform, developer toolset happens to be one more essential factor. You’ll come across a couple of astounding tools out there, namely, Redux Developer Tools as well as React Developer Tools. Both can be installed as Chrome extensions.

In fact, React Developer Tools are fantastic when it comes to reviewing react components and it is also awesome for observing their present states and props.

In case you’re making use of the Redux library, it is important to consider Redux Developer Tools. It will enable you to observe present store states, dispatched actions, as well as modifications to stores. It will also be possible for you to modify stores or dispatch actions and observe any change which is instantly reflected in your view. Time travel is also feasible given that every single update is going to be maintained within the extension. It will also be possible for you to record and return to any state of the application for purposes of debugging.


Thus, in reply to the question of whether React JS happens to be a framework or not, the answer is going to be in the negative. Instead of a framework, it is actually a library. One more valid reason to React to be a library is that it provides tremendous flexibility to the users, unlike any framework. Therefore, React is actually a library and not a framework.

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Top comments (2)

huncyrus profile image

As far as I know, React is "just" a library, not a framework, but you can use it with other libraries and even with real frameworks.
But in short - in my eyes - it is a factory library: you type a few line, it will translate/compile it to the end result.

codingpen profile image

It is javascript library for building attractive UI