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Saloni Singh
Saloni Singh

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Learning AWS Day by Day — Day 36 — AWS Services — At a Glance — Part 2

Exploring AWS !!

Day 36:

AWS Services — At a Glance — Part 2

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Aws has developed IoT specific services that assist to gather and send data to cloud.
AWS Greengrass: helps to operate data caching, messaging and local compute for connected devices in a safe way.
AWS IoT Platform: is a managed cloud platform that allows connected devices interact with other devices and cloud applications securely and easily. AWS IoT can support many devices and messages.
AWS IoT Button: is a programmable button that is based on Amazon Dash Button hardware. The WiFi device is effortless to configure. AWS IoT Button is offered to developers to use Amazon SNS, Amazon DynamoDB, Lambda, IoT and etc without writing device-specific code.

Application services in AWS:
Step Function: offers a graphical console to set up and visualize the components of application as a series of step.
API Gateway: fully managed service, that allows developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor and secure APIs easily at any scale. REST API — GET, POST, PUT.
Elastic Transcoder: Media Transcoding in cloud, businesses and developer could transcode or convert media files from source format into versions that will playback on device such as PC, Tablet and smartphones.

Mobile Services in AWS:
Allows to easily build advanced cloud powered applications from mobile devices. You might want to run the application on your preferred.
Front-End and Mobile on AWS: fastest way to build web and mobile applications.

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