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Ritesh Agrawal
Ritesh Agrawal

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Hotpatching is a technique used in software development to update a running program or system without the need for a full restart or shutdown.

Before moving to Hotpatching, Lets understand what is Patching and why Patching is required.

Patching refers to the process of updating software by applying changes, fixes, or enhancements to the code or configuration of a program or system. Patches are typically developed and released by software vendors in response to bugs, security vulnerabilities, or other issues that have been identified in their products.

The patching process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identification: The first step in patching is identifying the need for a patch. This could be in response to a known security vulnerability, a bug that has been reported by users, or other issues that have been identified during testing or monitoring.
  2. Development: The next step is developing the patch itself. This could involve writing new code, modifying existing code, or making changes to configuration files or other system resources.
  3. Testing: Before releasing the patch to users, it is important to test it thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected and doesn't introduce any new issues or bugs.
  4. Release: Once the patch has been tested and validated, it can be released to users. This typically involves making the patch available for download from the vendor's website, through an automatic update mechanism, or through other channels.
  5. Deployment: Finally, users need to deploy the patch to their systems. This could involve manually installing the patch, or using automated tools to deploy it across multiple systems.

Patching is an important process for maintaining the security and stability of software systems. By regularly applying patches and updates, users can help to protect their systems from security threats, fix bugs and other issues, and take advantage of new features and functionality.

Servers, like any other computer systems, are vulnerable to bugs, security vulnerabilities, and other issues that can affect their performance and stability.

Here are some reasons why patching servers is important:

Security: Server patching helps to keep your system secure by addressing known vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. By keeping your servers up to date with the latest security patches, you can reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
Stability: Software bugs can cause crashes, hangs, and other stability issues that can impact the availability and performance of your servers. Patching servers helps to address these issues and keep your systems running smoothly.
Compliance: Many organizations are subject to regulatory requirements that mandate regular software updates and security patches. By patching your servers, you can help ensure that you remain compliant with these requirements.
New features: Server patching can also help to introduce new features, functionality, and performance improvements that can benefit your organization. By staying up to date with the latest patches and updates, you can take advantage of the latest advances in server technology.


It is also sometimes called "live patching" or "dynamic software updating." The technique has been around for many years, but it has become more popular in recent years as more organizations have adopted DevOps and agile software development practices.

One of the key benefits of hotpatching is that it allows software updates to be deployed quickly and without downtime, i.e. this technique allows updates to be applied quickly and efficiently, reducing downtime and minimizing disruptions to users. This is particularly important in environments where uptime is critical, such as in data centers, cloud computing platforms, and other high-availability systems. By applying updates in real-time, organizations can avoid the costs and risks associated with system downtime and disruption.

Hotpatching can also help organizations to address security vulnerabilities and other critical issues more quickly. By deploying patches in real-time, organizations can minimize the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of data breaches or other security incidents.

In hotpatching, a patch or update is applied to a running program or system by dynamically modifying the code in memory, without the need for a full recompilation or restart. This is achieved by identifying the areas of the code that need to be updated and replacing them with new code that is loaded into memory.

There are some limitations to hotpatching, however. The technique can be complex to implement and may not work for all types of updates or software configurations. In some cases, a full system reboot may still be required to apply updates properly.

Overall, hotpatching is a powerful technique that can help organizations to deploy software updates quickly and efficiently, while minimizing downtime and disruption. By adopting this technique, organizations can improve their agility, reduce risk, and deliver better services to their users.

Using hotpatching typically involves the following steps:

1. Identify the need for a patch or update: The first step is to identify the need for a patch or update to a running program or system. This could be in response to a security vulnerability, bug, or other issue that needs to be addressed.
2. Develop the patch: The next step is to develop the patch or update that will be applied to the running program or system.
3. Test the patch: Before applying the patch to a running system, it's important to test it thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected and doesn't introduce any new issues or bugs.
4. Apply the patch: Once the patch has been tested and validated, it can be applied to the running program or system using a hotpatching tool or framework. This will typically involve modifying the code in memory to replace the old code with the new patch.
5. Verify the patch: After applying the patch, it's important to verify that it has been applied correctly and that the running program or system is functioning as expected.

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