DEV Community

A Beginner’s Guide to CSS Front End Frameworks

Rishabh Saxena on August 28, 2017

What is a CSS framework? CSS frameworks provide a basic structure for designing consistent solutions to tackle common recurring issues...
connor11528 profile image
Connor Leech

Bulma is pretty cool too. It might be defined as more of a library but it is similar to bootstrap and uses flexbox. Now that bootstrap 4 is release though it might get a 🏃 for it's 💸

rishabhs_dna profile image
Rishabh Saxena

Yeah, Bulma is pretty good too!

elmuerte profile image
Michiel Hendriks

We've started to adopt PatternFly for your web based enterprise application. It's builds upon bootstrap, but focuses on patterns more commonly used in applications rather than webpages.

mariastervic profile image
mariastervic • Edited

I have been experimenting with mini.css for quite a while and I wholeheartedly recommend you try it.

rishabhs_dna profile image
Rishabh Saxena

Thanks for the suggestion! Will give it a try.