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Rishabh Dwivedi
Rishabh Dwivedi

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Best AI tools for code generation.

Efficiency is critical in the fast-paced world of software development today.

AI technologies are playing a pivotal role in expediting the coding process for developers.

Advanced AI models like GPT-3.5, ChatGPT, Bard and others have proven to be transformative tools for developers.

These tools empower developers to write code more efficiently and effectively.

This blog will provide an overview of the key AI tools that are changing the developer scene and delve into the field of code generation in an easy-to-read manner.

Here are the benefits of using AI tools for code generation

  • Increased Productivity

  • Faster Development

  • Error Reduction

  • Code Optimization

What tools do I need to start coding?

  1. Assembly AI : Transcribe and understand audio with AI models: ASR, NLP, Speech-to-Text.

  2. Codeium : Codeium is a code completion tool powered by AI that aims to simplify the coding process.

  3. Mars AI : Low-code platform for building web and mobile apps.

  4. ChatGPT : Ahh how can we forget ChatGPT XD.

AI tools for coding like ChatGPT

  1. AgentGPT : Deploy Autonomous AI Agents with AgentGPT's Innovative Tool.

  2. PoplarML : PoplarML allows for the easy deployment of scalable ML systems in production.

  3. SafurAI : Safurai is a plugin for IDE that leverages AI technology to support developers in coding, debugging, and refactoring tasks.

  4. Google Bard : Bard aims to utilize the extensive knowledge available worldwide together with the capabilities of our advanced language models to provide insightful and innovative responses.

  5. Perplexity AI : Perplexity AI is a demo AI search engine inspired by OpenAI WebGPT.

The potential of these amazing tools will shape the future of coding, therefore if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you must embrace AI's influence on your development process.

Explore 3000+ latest AI tools at AI Toolhouse.

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