If you don't know about it, here is a short description of git🤔 :
Git is a popular open-source distributed version control system that allows for efficient collaboration among developers and easy switching between different project versions. It can handle projects of any size with speed and efficiency and provides powerful features for tracking changes and analyzing project history.
Git init: Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
Git Diff: Recognize changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
Git Status: List the new or unmodified file
Git add : Stage a file
Git add . / add * / --all: Stage all changed files at once
Git commit -a: Commit all local changes in tracked files
Git commit: Commit previously staged changes
Git commit --amend: Change the last commit
Git-log: Show commit logs
Git log --oneline: Display the log in a single line for quick reference
Git log --grep =" ": Limit the output to commits with log messages that match a pattern (regular expression)
Git checkout : Switch to a new branch and update the working directory
Git branch -d/--delete: Delete a branch
Git checkout -b - : Create and switch to a new branch
Git-revert: Revert existing commits
Git-reset: Reset the current HEAD to a specified state
Git fetch : Fetch all branches from a remote repository
Git pull : Fetch remote version of a branch and update the local branch
Git push : Push committed changes to a remote repository
Git merge : Merge the specified branch into the current branch
Use these Git commands to streamline your workflow and improve your coding experience.
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