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Generate Secure Passwords Using Built-in Tools on macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu

In today's computing environment, password security is paramount. Different operating systems offer their own tools to generate complex passwords. This article will show you how to use built-in tools on macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu to create secure passwords.

How to Generate Complex Passwords on macOS


  • Use the openssl command to generate a random password:

     openssl rand -base64 16

For convenience, you can further package this method into a right-click shortcut using Automator


  • Open Automator (found in “Applications”).
  • Choose the “Service” template.
  • Search for and add the “Run Shell Script” action, then paste the following script:

     /usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 16
  • Save the service, naming it “Generate Random Password.” You can then use it by right-clicking and selecting “Services” -> “Generate Random Password.”

How to Generate Complex Passwords on Windows


  • Open PowerShell.
  • Use the following command to generate a random password:

     Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

Command Prompt:

  • Use the certutil command to generate random data and convert it to base64:

     certutil -encodehex -f nul - 48 | findstr /v /c:"CertUtil" /c:"48 bytes" /c:"\---" | powershell -Command "$input | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }" | out-string | format-hex -u

How to Generate Complex Passwords on Ubuntu


  • Use the openssl command to generate a random password:

     openssl rand -base64 16


  • Use /dev/urandom to generate random data and convert it to base64:

     < /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16 ; echo ''

By using these built-in tools, you can easily generate complex passwords and ensure your accounts are secure.

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