In today's computing environment, password security is paramount. Different operating systems offer their own tools to generate complex passwords. This article will show you how to use built-in tools on macOS, Windows, and Ubuntu to create secure passwords.
How to Generate Complex Passwords on macOS
Use the
command to generate a random password:
openssl rand -base64 16
For convenience, you can further package this method into a right-click shortcut using Automator
- Open Automator (found in “Applications”).
- Choose the “Service” template.
Search for and add the “Run Shell Script” action, then paste the following script:
/usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 16
Save the service, naming it “Generate Random Password.” You can then use it by right-clicking and selecting “Services” -> “Generate Random Password.”
How to Generate Complex Passwords on Windows
- Open PowerShell.
Use the following command to generate a random password:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web [System.Web.Security.Membership]::GeneratePassword(16,3)
Command Prompt:
Use the
command to generate random data and convert it to base64:
certutil -encodehex -f nul - 48 | findstr /v /c:"CertUtil" /c:"48 bytes" /c:"\---" | powershell -Command "$input | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() }" | out-string | format-hex -u
How to Generate Complex Passwords on Ubuntu
Use the
command to generate a random password:
openssl rand -base64 16
to generate random data and convert it to base64:
< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16 ; echo ''
By using these built-in tools, you can easily generate complex passwords and ensure your accounts are secure.
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